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"He won't know what hit him," I giggle to myself as I gaze upon my reflection.

I had gained quite a bit of weight during the pregnancy, and my tummy actually protruded out quite a bit more than normal. It took a little while for my stomach to go back to normal and even longer for my confidence to be half of what it was.
Now, I'm finally confident enough in my body again, to wear some of my sexiest lingerie for myboyfriend.

I'm hoping he comes back tonight.

It's 19h45 and I'm getting anxious that he might not come. The anxiety of not having a set schedule has been one of our biggest problems, nevermind not being able to contact him on missions, because well, it could cost him his life. He always comes back bruised and tired.

I should probably run the bath in case he comes back soon though.

Without even covering my lingerie, I scurry into our bathroom, and run a warm bubble bath.

As the bath fills with warm water, my gaze lands on the scented candles I have yet to use.

This is a perfect night to use them.

The moment the decadent gourmand scents of rose and vanilla float into my nostrils, is the moment I know I have made the right choice.

I just hope a relaxing bath, a nice dinner, and hopefully even picking up where we left off the other day in his office, will cheer him up a little bit.

Dinner is going to start getting cold if he doesn't come though, even this bath of his.

I check the clock to find it's literally only been 5 minutes since I last checked.

This sitting around isn't going to help with anything.

The silk robe that coordinates beautifully with my lingerie, hangs on a hanger on our closet door before me.

"Can't give too much away too soon, right," I mutter mischievously to myself as I slip the robe on, and tie a bow so it doesn't fall off.

The scene looks perfect, and incredibly romantic, smells amazing too.

I decide to go check on the food, but Jayden waltzes into the bedroom in all his glory.

Our eyes lock in an insanely passionate yet tense exchange.

The residual tension from a few days ago, lingers somewhere deep within the gaze that speaks of the love we share for one another.

He moves first, taking a step towards me, and cupping my cheeks in his mightily large hands.

"My love," he murmurs in an impossibly low octave.

My response clearly doesn't matter to him at the moment, because he leans down and captures my lips in a gentle kiss.

"I missed you," he murmurs as he places his forehead on mine.

My hands gently stroke his forearms as I grace him with a prolonged peck.

"I m-missed y-you t-too, hon-ey... I ran a b-ath f-or you... Go re-lax a little wh-ile I go di-sh up," I whisper, giggling slightly as he pecks my lips continuously.

A simple nod of obedience is all he gives me, before he snatches a towel off the bed, and waltzes into the bathroom.

I smile to myself as I scurry down to the kitchen.

We're still good.

When I reach the kitchen I remember that I still need to assemble and roll the sushi, for the starter.

SPITFIRE (Book #2 Of Fire Series)Where stories live. Discover now