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What Jim told me yesterday sent me into a frenzy. It sent me down a rabbit hole of information that wasn't exactly relevant to anything in particular.

It was a rude awakening that I experienced suddenly.

I was doing and thinking of things that hadn't even crossed my mind for the past three years. Mostly because I've been so focused on my relationship with Jayden, my goddaughters, my own daughter with Jayden and my part in the industry my father rules over.

But not this time. Not last night. Last night I was looking for any leads to Ethan's whereabouts but more importantly Peighton and Lani.

I looked and asked so far into the night that I fell asleep at Jayden's desk at some point. So imagine my confusion when I wake up in bed with the grown baby cuddled up to me as if he's afraid I'll disappear.

I groan as I wiggle around to get more oxygen and space.

"Good morning," he muses as he gives my forehead a gentle peck.

I grunt a response and turn to face the other way.

"I told you. I always keep my promises," he purrs as he pulls me close and kisses my shoulder while brushing my hair lovingly.

"Whatever," I groan as I attempt to escape his hold, but of course I fail.

"Stop it," he chuckles as he turns me to face him and gives me a bear hug, before turning incredibly serious. Scarily serious.
"There's a lot we need to talk about. You decide what it is you want to start with."

"I don't want to talk right now, I just woke up," I grumble as I turn back around.

"Nandi, you were giving me the cold shoulder for leaving when you wanted to talk. So let's talk, I know Jim told you about Elizabeth, Peighton and Stefano," he exhales.
"Should we start with that? I know that's why I found you passed out in my office last night."

I intentionally remain silent, waiting for him to say what he wants to say.

"Answer me, Nandipha," he commands.
"Or were you looking for the Thusi's?"

"What," I spit as I spin around utterly astonished yet so so guilty.

He chuckles humourlessly and sits up, letting go of me.
"I can't believe I'm envious of those two again, years later."

"Baby," I bring out in a baby voice as I sit up to press myself against him.
"I'm only yours, and I love you. There's absolutely no reason to be envious of people who haven't even been in our lives for over three years now."

He grunts a response and slides down to lay in bed.

My fingers jab at his ticklish sides as I breathe on his exposed back.

"Hou op, Nandi. Ek's slaperig [Stop it, Nandi. I'm sleepy]," he grumbles as he shifts away from me.

Since, he is not getting tickled and seems to be in full-on irrationally jealous boyfriend mode, I decide to straddle him so he has no choice but to look at me.

"You only start speaking Afrikaans when you are seriously mad at me," I whimper. "I was actually looking to find out about the kids. Peighton and Milani. I was worried about their well-being because in many ways they were my first babies."

"I'm sorry I worried you my unbelievably handsome boyfriend," I purr as I lean down to kiss his lips gently. Which he does not object to, but he doesn't necessarily respond to either.

He hums a response and just stares at me for a long while after, blinking at me with boredom.

"Christmas is coming soon, you love Christmas," I muse as I give him an Eskimo kiss, purposely trying to be a nuisance.
"Have your mom and brother said anything about coming to have lunch with us, before the gala?"

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