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"I don't know Jay," I murmur as I pace around the master bedroom in panic, while rubbing my tummy slowly.
"Do you think we'll be able to handle twins?"

It has been just a few days, and Jay and I have just been hit with one hell of a curve ball.

"Come here, my love," he murmurs as he man spreads and sluggishly taps on his one thigh. A flirty, teasing smirk plastered to his gorgeous face.

"Wipe that smug look off your face," I huff as I stubbornly draw near him.
"You wanted this, didn't you?"

A chuckle rumbles in his chest as he pulls me onto his lap and gives me a dozen kisses all over my face.

"You're lucky you're handsome," I scoff as I press my cheek against his, easily throwing my arms around his neck.
"I guess we have a bit of time to prepare."

"About that," he mutters guiltily.
"They're already in Mpumalanga. They should be here any minute. I already alerted the security team."

"What?" I'm not afraid nor ashamed to show my shock and disapproval.

Jayden van Tonder decided it would be a great idea to babysit Kiara and Kacey.
I mean, it was a great idea to suggest Enzo and Kayleigh get a break from the girls, but us, dealing with twin toddlers?! He's mental.

Kayleigh squealed at the idea and thanked us so much I thought she would break down in tears. Enzo, well Enzo is ever unserious and laid back. He just sluggishly chuckled and scolded Jayden for "facilitating bad decisions".

"They better not get used to this unpaid labour they are going to be using from us," I grumble as I lay my cheek back on his, wiggling around to get a better seat on his lap.

"Stop it," he warns as he pulls me so I fall back on the couch beside him and he hovers over me slightly, my legs still draped over his.
"This is practice for when our little one comes."

"I guess you're right," I sigh as I look up at him with a sheepish smile.
"And I guess it's just a few days."

"Twins are going to be a lot," he sighs.
"But I'm more worried about Kiara. This isn't our house."


Kiara has a concerning tendency of playing with glass objects and electrical appliances.

"I mean we could replace anything in here," he chuckles.
"My boss is very generous."

"It's not about being able to replace things, van Tonder," I huff as I shift my legs off his lap, sitting up right.
"It's about disciplining them and guiding them to do the right thing. Like you said we have to practice for when our little bean comes. We aren't just having a baby, Jayden, we're going to be raising a person."

"And we'll raise a great person, my love," he muses as he pulls me close again.
"What you need to do is take everyday as it comes. You are still carrying our child in there and stressing isn't going to help, nor is it healthy."

"You're right," I sigh as I refocus my attention on my lower abdomen.
"As always."

A comfortable silence settles over us and I allow myself to think out loud, "Do you think our baby will get along with the girls?"

"We won't know until she's here," he muses and pecks my cheek.

"You're deadset on having a girl, huh," I giggle as I caress his jaw.

"I was born to be a girl dad, my love," he murmurs, smiling carelessly as he brings our bodies impossibly close.
"That's why I look like a scary bodybuilding biker. To scare all these fuck boys and chancers away from my baby girls."

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