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"I wanna feel you in my bones,"

"I thought it was you," Jayden murmurs as he quickly steps towards me, crushing me in his embrace.

We allow ourselves to melt into it, to become the warmth and love of our embrace. Desperately grappling at the other's flesh and bones, as our souls settle into tranquil bliss.
"Hi, baby." It's sweet, soft and muffled into his shoulder. I feel him relax even more. We're kind of the same height with the added boost from the platforms, and it feels a bit weird, different.

The disruption comes too soon, taking the form of a thunderous heartbeat in my center, relentlessly seeking attention.

I exhale, utterly annoyed, and pull away, putting a bit of distance between us.
Jayden's face morphs with sadness and confusion.

"Baby," he frowns as he steps closer again, placing his large hands on the small on my back. The touch is sharp and quick in my system. I feel electrocuted by him. The pleasure and pain moulding a new sensation that causes me to lean back, away from him, when I try to think straight.
"Talk to me, please?"

The discomfort in my thong swiftly shifts its mask off to reveal itself as pain. I'm extremely hot and it's bothering me.
"I- I can't think straight right now. Can we please... Talk after I have a sip of water or something."

I don't even wait for his answer as I quickly walk back into the noise, and stand at the bar. I patiently wait for the bartender to come back to his station.
Jayden is hot on my heels, furrowing his brows, trying to get me to look at him and talk. He is misinterpreting my frustration for anger and annoyance directed to him.

"What's going on? Baby, please talk to me," he pleads as I start pacing.

A shirtless Kane sports his signature smirk, as he places a tray down and saunters over to me.
"Hey, baby girl," he muses, his eyes trained on me.

The fact that he just said that in front of Jayden, almost makes me see red.
"I told you to stop calling me that," I seethe through gritted teeth.

A gentle, yet dominant hand wraps around my waist, and pulls me away from the half naked man.

He's definitely jealous.

"I come in peace," Kane mutters, stifling a laugh and raising his arms up in defense.
"You must be the husband." He says slowly as he respectfully extends his hand out to Jayden.

Jayden shakes his hand firmly, and gives him a curt nod.

"Well, what will it be, Ariel," he teases as he leans over the countertop, looking at me.

"Ice cold water. Or just ice. I don't care just make it snappy," I exhale as I continue rubbing my thighs together.

Kane gives me a look and then frowns.

"Theo's white girl," I say simply, as I shiver from the delicate circles Jayden is rubbing on my back.

Recognition washes over Kane's face, as he chuckles and starts shoveling some ice into a small jug.
He hands it to me along with a key.
"No one really uses the fifth room... It's too far apparently." A wink and his smirk accompanying.

I grab the jug and key immediately, and start walking back out to the hallway with Jayden's hand in mine.

As I pass the first room, a familiar face walks out with a muscular man, that works as a bouncer here at the club, following her.


She gives me a smirk and wiggles her eyebrows at me, which causes me to give her an eyeroll in return.

SPITFIRE (Book #2 Of Fire Series)Where stories live. Discover now