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"Don't be sad mommy, I'm coming back. Wait here with daddy," she says with all seriousness, and a slight pout.

She sends me a smile and waves goodbye as she, and Powers, walk off into the sunset.

After a few seconds she's giggling and running towards us again, with Powers nowhere in sight.

"Mommy, daddy. Look at me, I'm here," she squeals as she continues to run towards us.

I wake up with a start and yet another headache. Though this time a mild case of nausea accompanies it.

"Baby," I groan as I glance around looking for Jayden.
"Where did he go?"

The loud buzzing of my phone on the bedside table draws my attention as I'm about to stand up to look for him.

"Hello," I mutter groggily into the phone as I stretch my arm and legs.

"Nandi, I've been trying to get ahold of you for an hour now," Enzo shouts out of breathe.
"Is Jayden with you?'

"I don't know I just woke up and he's not around," I voice a lot more lucid than I had been but a mere second ago.
"Hold on..."

"Jayden?! Baby where are you?!" I throw on a nightdress and some lace thong I found in my drawer, before running from the bathroom to the guest bedroom to his office to the kitchen. He isn't here.

"Enzo, akekho [he isn't here]," I mutter already feeling a sense of dread simmering in my  chest.
"Kwenzakalani? Uyephi?![What's going on? Where has he gone?!]"

"Fuck," Enzo spits.
"Inkinga yakhe ukuthi ucabanga ukuthi unguVan Damme! Ngiyaxolisa sisi [His problem is that he thinks he's van Damme! I'm sorry sister], he told me to send men to meet him in Hatfield."

"What?! To do what in Hatfield," I question as I run back to my room.
"He told me we're going to stay far away from the Circle and Haze so why the fuck is he in Hatfield?!"

"Ngiyakuncenga, yehlisa umoya sisi wami [I'm begging you, calm down my sister]," he tries to say gently.
"I sent the men so he'll be okay, but I think he's taken matters into his own hands."

"Taken what matters into his own hands, Enzo," I demand answers as I pace around the room.
"What has happened?"

Enzo curses quietly to himself before taking a deep breath in.
"It seems either Haze or the Circle have Jupiter's partner held hostage somewhere..."

"Jupiter's partner," I think out loud.

"No, a young girl. Just turned 20," he sighs.
"She's knows everything about everyone on our side. I think she might even know about you..."
"That's why Jayden is being irrational and thinking he can take Haze without a plan."

"For fuck sake," I spit and begin to whimper immediately afterwards.
"He's going to get himself killed!"
"I'm going to call my dad, bye."

Before he can even respond, I drop the call and call my father.

Every ring is a stab at my heart and another increase in my blood pressure.
The four rings it takes for him to answer, are enough for me to be full on hyperventilating.

"Hi sweetheart," he says almost absentmindedly.

"Dad," I croak as I try to calm myself down enough to talk.
"Jay- Jayden, he's-"

"I just got the call," he sighs.
"I'm going over there now, don't worry about this, okay? We'll be fine. He isn't in any danger, he has our men with him."

SPITFIRE (Book #2 Of Fire Series)Where stories live. Discover now