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I reach and grunt and pull as I try to get this darned dress on.

"For such a gorgeous dress you really are a pain," I huff as I finally give up on zipping the gown on.

It is a deep red, almost burgundy, floor length sequin gown with a very high slit and a cowl back.
I have been so excited to wear it for the past few months because it is for the very first gala my father has allowed me to attend.

As I'm about to walk away from the mirror on the vanity I hear the door open quietly as Jayden waltzes in.

Of course he's coordinating with me without even trying. He wears a maroon suit with black and gold accents and a black shirt that's showcasing part of his toned chest underneath. He wears a golden cross necklace and a gold watch with a gold band on his left pinky finger.
His hair looks to be gelled back as he rocks an elegant slicked back look with a clean shaven face.

Seriously Nandi? We're still mad at him for the little stunt he pulled last night. Stop gawking at him. I scold myself as I finally rip my eyes off him.

"Wow," he breathes as he comes up behind me.
"You look beautiful, baby."

I grunt something to the effect of thank you.
"You don't look bad yourself."

I immediately start to walk away as I begin to take the dress off.

"Why are you taking it off," he smirks.
"We don't have time for that."

"Jayden," I exhale in defeat.
"Get out."

He chuckles loudly and saunters up to me. I back up as he does but he doesn't give up. He keeps getting closer until my back hits the wall.

"Let me help you," he says gently as he turns me around and begins to zip my dress up for me.
"It was caught on some fabric."

"Thank you," I grumble as I move away from him and go to the mirror to see how everything fits.

"I'm sorry," he sighs as he looks at me from where he's standing.

"For what," I mutter, not exactly paying attention to him as he begins to move closer again.

"For last night," he murmurs as he sits on the bed adjacent to me.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I exhale in frustration as I slip my jewelry on, specifically the set he got me more than three years ago. It will always be my favourite set, even when I'm mad at him.

"Nandi, come on you know what I'm talking about," he sighs as he looks at me intently through the mirror.

"About using my pretty kitty as a flesh light," I question with a humourless chuckle as I sit on the chair that faces him and slip on my stilettos.
"Don't worry about it, I get it, it was payback."

"Come on baby, don't do that," he chuckles as he pulls me so that I am seated on his lap.
"I'll make it up to you. You know I'm always down."

"Whatever, we're going to be late," I murmur as I pry his hands off me. I stand up to fix my low puff and check if my edges are laid to my liking before I quickly snatch my maroon mask and walk out of the room with Jayden following not far behind, his own maroon mask in hand.

"Hey," he mutters as he pulls me to him again.
"I really am sorry. I love you and I didn't mean to make you feel used. I took it too far, I'm sorry, my love."

I'm about to brush him off again but seeing how genuine and serious he is, my eyes soften and I smile softly at him.

"I deserved being teased a little," I giggle.
"I love you... and I'm sorry."

SPITFIRE (Book #2 Of Fire Series)Where stories live. Discover now