Chapter 34 (Ground)

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You quickly stood up, dusting yourself while thinking of a way to get the hell out of this building before it collapses on you. The radio was making incoherent statistical noises and you couldn't make out the words. Brushing it aside, you focused on finding a way to get out without getting yourself buried.

The dust was too dense to see anything, and the continuous shaking of the building wasn't helping. You couldn't move or even breathe properly. Bringing a hand to the wall on your right, you used it as a guide to help you find your way to the staircase. Taking slow, careful steps to avoid walking straight into a hole. You used your other hand to cover your mouth to avoid breathing in the dust.

Another explosion and you found yourself falling once again. The ground that was once supporting you, failed you. An iron pipe was poking through the floor right beneath you, and you felt your whole world flash as it pierced through your stomach. Unable to process the sudden shock, you were frozen in your place as the sounds grew more distant. A ringing noise took over, and you felt your eyes shake as you tried to forcefully regain your consciousness.

Shifting your weight to one elbow, you tried to get up without moving the pipe, taking it out will make you bleed to death before you even make it outside. You put one hand on the pipe to prevent it from moving too much. Leaning on the wall, you dragged your barely conscious self to the staircase.

You could barely see, injured and breathing dust was a one-of-a-kind mix. Bringing one leg to descend the steps, your ankle twisted and you find yourself rolling downstairs. Stopping when your body was harshly slammed against the wall, causing the pipe to come out of the other side.

You felt your vision fade, as the walls around you collapsed. The last thing you remember was the smell of blood and dust as everything turned dark.
"Ho_ __ _he _oin_?????"
"STAY BACK __ __E _RYi__!"
You could hear the voices in the distance, but nothing made sense. No matter how hard you tried, your eyes refused to open, as if they were glued shut.

You felt someone put some sort of pressure against your chest, pushing hard for one second, then relaxing for another, again and again, and again.

Darkness took over you, and you were surrounded by a peaceful, warm, quietness. As if you were being hugged in the most delicate yet intimate way ever. The warmth you felt was that of the same nature as the one you feel when you are tugged under a warm blanket on a cold day. Never wanting to move or get up.
It was that beeping noise again, is it ever going to stop? It ruins the calmness and peace. It brings a kind of pain...
"Is th___ re_lly __ w__??? DO EVE_____NG __ YO__ ___ER"
"We are _____--"
It was the same voices from before, why do they always seem angry? I want them to go away
"I am sorry...-"
Who are you? Why are you apologizing? Why can't you hear me?

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