Luke Shaw

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NAME: Beatrice 

You  have endometriosis

Your POV: 

When I was younger, I had really bad cramps that I couldn't leave the bed at all. So, when I was 18, I decided to go to the hospital and get it checked. I finally found out I had endometriosis and found out that it will be much harder to get pregnant. When me and Luke began dating, I told him outright, since he told me he wanted kids. He never gave up on us, never made me eel ad but accepted it and we carried on. We got married. 

Now we're actively trying, we are going to try but if it doesn't happen, we'd try IVF. Luke and I have tried for six months but we have not gotten any luck with the journey. Today we're discussing IVF, to see whether we should wait another 6 months or go full on IVF. 

I sit on the sofa and he joins me. "Tris, are you ok?" asked Luke. "Should we try for another 6 months?" I ask. Luke takes my hands. "I don't know. I know you want to try and conceive them naturally but I just want... you to be happy" said Luke. I smile. "I am so happy and I think we should go ahead with IVF. Most likely it will work but that way we will have a baby at the end" I said, smiling. "Ok, well, let's contact the specialist." said Luke, kissing me. I pick up my phone and ring the specialist. 

"We have an appointment tomorrow" I said, smiling. "Yes! We will have our prince or princess" said Luke, kissing me. I kiss back and we go out for dinner. 


I pull on leggings and a hoodie. We get there and we get called in. "So, basically we're just going to look at your eggs and also, Mr. Shaw we need a sperm sample, just to make sure your healthy too!" said Linda. I smile and Luke goes to do his thing and she does me. Afterwards, she smiles. "Well, we will call you with the results but I think this will come back positive" said Linda. Luke smiles as he walks in. "Well, your very potent with all that and Mrs. Shaw here is very fertile with all those eggs" said Linda. I smile and we leave. We go home and I kiss Luke when we get home. "Let's hope this is positive" I said. "Hope so!" said Luke, kissing me. 

Weeks later we finally get the results and their great. We're able to collect more eggs, put sperm in them and make them an embryo. 

Once they know it took, they have me go in to insert it. "Take it east for a couple of days, weeks. And hopefully it sticks. We do have 12 successful embryo's, so we have more chances!" said Linda, smiling. "So am I" I said. We go home and lie in bed. "Now, Erik let me off for these weeks so let's relax!" said Luke. "Maybe we should have told everyone why" I said. "Maybe but to be fair, we want this to be a success and to be honest I don't want to jinx it" said Luke, sighing. "Same, it will be worth it to see their faces" I said, rubbing his cheeks.

10 weeks later, I get a test since I'm having the symtoms. I take the test with Luke beside me. I pee on the test and sigh. We wait for 3 minutes and then once we hear the timer, we breathe. "Let's go" I said. We turn it over and we gasp.


4-5 Weeks

I gasp and hug Luke. "We did it! We are having a baby!" I said, kissing him. "We are!" said Luke. I ring Linda to schedule an appointment and she is delighted. 

When the day, arrives we go there and we get called in. "Congratulations!" said Linda. We thank her and then we do the scan. "Healthy heartbeat, really healthy. The baby is measuring at the right measurements and healthy heartbeat for you and baby Shaw" said Linda. She prints the picture and hands it to us, she printed 4 pictures. 

We go home and that's us for the first 3 months before we announce the pregnancy. When we told our families, they were delighted and so excited. 

I'm four months today and I'm announcing it. Me and Luke have different posts but meaningful.

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Bea_Shaw: I'm 4 months pregnant and I am so happy. This was taken when I first noticed my bump. This has been a long experience. At the start of the year, we spent 6 months trying for a baby and it never worked. I have endometriosis and we knew this would be difficult. Eventually we sat down and had our conversation about whether we try for another 6 months or try IVF. We decided to do IVF, we were upset we couldn't conceive a baby the natural way but we are so delighted that we are having a baby, the baby we have always dreamed off. I love you Luke Shaw and baby Shaw. <3 

Masonmount: baby Shaw... already so loved :)

Harrymaguire: So happy for you both! I cannot wait to meet Baby Shaw x

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Liked by masonmount, benchilwell, harrymaguire, Bea_Shaw, and 1 million others

Lukeshaw: We're 4 months pregnant with our lil baby Shaw. Being the husband to a wife with endometriosis is hard but knowing that she handles it with grace and always tries to have a smile on her face, after every negative test. Choosing IVF was a difficult choice but oh so awarding for us. Our baby even though made in a tube was made with love and has us all in love and happy. Bea, lil Shaw.... I love you both so much. You are my world <3 

Bea_Shaw: My man..... I love you so, so much x 

Benchilwell: Wow.... I cannot wait to meet baby Shaw x

On the 5th September 2023, we have our baby girl, Faith Rain Shaw. She looks just like Luke and is the best behaved baby ever. 

In the end, we have our family and we do plan on using four more of our embryo's!

I hope you enjoyed and I am obviously not a doctor, nurse, midwife, etc so I may have explained something about endometriosis wrong, don't hate me! 

Enjoy and if you want a request, just comment with your name (either your name, if you want a fake name like I do every imagine or Yn), player, plot, theme and your hair/eye colour if you want:)

Lorna xx

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