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 Short Imagine: How you tell him your pregnant

When I found out I was pregnant I was shocked because we weren't trying for a baby but I am happy. I now have to tell Bukayo and I'm nervous but excited to him. Me and Bukayo have dated since we were 15 and we have talked about marriage and babies. I know he wants babies so I know he would hopefully be happy about me having a baby.

I go out and buy a baby jersey with Bukayo's number on it and my positive test into the box with the jersey. I wrap it and place a ribbon on it and smile.

When he gets home, I hand him the box. "What did I do to deserve this?" asked Bukayo. "By being you, my love. Open it" I said, smiling. He smiles and nods. He pulls the ribbons off and smiles. "A box" said Bukayo. "Open" I said. He pulls the lid off and gasps. He pulls the test and jersey out and smiles. "We're having a baby?" asked Bukayo. "Yeah, we are. I found out last night" I said.

"I'm so excited to have a lil Saka running around, I hope we have a girl" said Bukayo. "I hope we have a boy, to be a mini you" I said. We share a kiss.

Nine months later we have a handsome baby boy, Gabriel Max Saka. He looks just like Bukayo, like I wanted him to look!

I hope you enjoyed and so sorry for the long wait..... I got so busy that I forgot but here it is!

Lorna xx

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