Jude Bellingham

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NAME: Oaklee

You and Jude through the years (from 5 - 15 -19)

AGE 5: 

Jude's POV:

My mummy told me there was new people next door and I should go with her to say hi. Mum holds my hand and Jobe, my 3 year old brother is holding my hand. She knocks and a woman opens the door. "Hi! I'm Natalie!" said Natalie. "I'm Denise, this is Jude, my 5 year old and my 3 year old, Jobe" said mum. "I have a daughter, Oaklee, Jude's age! Let me get here" said Natalie, she calls for Oaklee and out comes a little girl. Wow. She's pretty. 

"Hi, I'm Oaklee" said Oaklee. "I'm Jude" I said, smiling. "Can we play?" asked Oaklee. "Yes!" I said. Mum nods and I run inside with her.

And that's how we became best friends.

AGE 15: 

Oaklee POV:

Me and Jude have been best friends for 10 years and I have this massive crush on him. I think he feels the same but I don't know. He hasn't told me. Today his taking me out to hang out which I'm so excited for. 

I pull on a blue dress and converse. I curl my hair and do light make up. I go downstairs and Jude's already here. "Hi! You look amazing" said Jude. "So do you, Jude" I said. 

We go to McDonalds and we sit down. We order our usual and then Jude sighs. "Oak, I have to tell you something" said Jude. "Yeah?" I ask. "I like you, as in like, LIKE you" said Jude. I blush. "I like, LIKE you too, Jude." I said. "Wow... I am so stupid! I wasted months when I could have told you this ages ago!" said Jude. I laugh and take a sip of my coke. "It's fine. You told me now" I said, smiling. "I did. I finally did" said Jude.

And that's how we became boyfriend and girlfriend. 

AGE 19:

Jude's POV:

Today I am planning on proposing to my girlfriend, Oaklee of 5 years. When I told Jordan Henderson and Trent Arnold-Alexander, Jordan was supportive and Trent told me his worries. I know we're young but we've known each other for 15 years and dating for 5 years. I know we will last till the day we die and I don't want anyone else but Oak. She's amazing and loves me for me.

I go pick her up and she's wearing a white dress and white heels. I smile and kiss her. We head to the restaurant and we sit down. We order our meals and we then relax for the evening.

Afterwards we go for a walk and then we stop beside the tree where we had our first kiss. I kneel down and she gasps. "Oak, we've known each other for 15 years, dating for 5 and I know your the one for me. I love you so much and I want you beside me till the day we die. Will you marry me?" I ask, opening the ring box.

 Will you marry me?" I ask, opening the ring box

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"Yes!" said Oaklee. I slide the ring onto her ring finger and stand up. We lean in and kiss. 

We got married when we turned 22. 

We will last because we have love and because we're soulmates!

So I was thinking of picking this up when their 26 and having a dilemma between them? To kinda see what will happen for childhood sweethearts. It will be positive or negative or both but I will see. 

Comment what you think!

Hope you enjoyed!

Lorna xx

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