Jude Bellingham (SERIES) (1)

914 13 3

NAME: Oakleigh

Arranged Marriage Series (2 Parts)

Here is the winner :) 

Your POV:

My parents are old fashioned and they have this plan for an arranged marriage. I mean, I don't want that but there is nothing for me to do. They told me they have friends and they will be coming over for dinner tonight. 

I put on a white dress and white heels. I curl my hair and do natural make up. I go downstairs and mum smiles. "You look stunning" said mum. "Thanks" I said, smiling. I help dad with setting the table. Once we finish, we hear the doorbell. Mum goes to answer the door.

"Denise, Mark! Jude, Jobe! Come on in" said mum. I breathe in and watch them walk in. "Hi, Brendan! Oakleigh, your so grown up looking" said Denise. "Thank you" I said, blushing. We sit down and we get our dinner.

Once we finish, mum smiles. "Well, we have some news" said mum. "Yes, we do" said Denise. "Jude, Oakleigh, your getting married to each other!" said mum. Me and Jude look at each other and he sighs. 

"Aren't we too young?" asked Jude. "We got married at 19" said mum, nodding. I sigh and lean back. "Mum, but Jude is 19" said Jobe. "Honey, it's fine." said Denise, nodding. I sigh and look away. "Oakleigh? Are you ok with this?" asked Jude, looking at me. "I have to be." I said, nodding. Jude sighs and leans back. "Fine" said Jude. 

We help clean up and then sit in the sitting room. I look at Jude and I know his annoyed. "Look, Jude if your annoyed tell us" said Denise. "Mum. Stop. It's fine" said Jude. "You to, go to her room to chat" said mum. I nod and lead him to my room.

I sit on my bed and he sits on the chair. "Are you seriously happy with this?" asked Jude. "I've always known that I'd be in an arranged marriage" I said. "I'm not happy with it" said Jude. "It's life" I said. "Oakleigh, no one gets an arranged marriage anymore and if they do, that's the old fashions! Oakleigh, we're 19!" said Jude. "Jude, its just life" I said. "I don't care! It's not life, I want to marry for love but not this" said Jude. "Then tell them no! They'll make me marry someone else anyway!" I said. "Fine! My parents aren't happy with it either" said Jude, going downstairs. I hear talking. 

Mum walks in. "Jude's not your husband, well future husband anymore. They've left" said mum. I nod and she leaves. I sigh and go pull on leggings and a hoodie. I sit on my bed and sigh. Dad walks in. 

"We found someone else, John. My friend's son" said dad. I nod. "Your metting him tomorrow" said dad. I just nod and lie down. He leaves and I fall asleep.

And here is the first part of the series!

Hope ya enjoy

Surprise they aren't getting married or are they? 

Lorna xx

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