Joe Gomez

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NAME: Rosalina 

Oh Shit I'm a dad

Joe's POV:

Today is a day off for Liverpool players and I'm pretty happy about that. I wake up to my phone ringing and answer it.

Alex - A Joe - J

A: "Hey bro! How is your day?" 

J: "Just woke up, Alex. How's your day? Perrie and Axel doing ok?"

A: "Their actually watching Finding Nemo while I'm making breakfast" 

J: "Nice, I have to have a shower so call ya back later"

A: "Ok, text ya later"

We hang up and I go have a shower. I pull on jeans, a hoodie and vans. I hear a knock on my door. I sigh and go downstairs. I open the door and sigh. "No one here" I said, until I look down. "A baby... a note" I said. I pick up the car seat and bag. I bring the baby in and place the seat on the table. I open the note.


Hi, its me, Rosalina. Me and you slept together nine months after being talking for a while. I'm sorry for ghosting you for the 9 months and I wish I told you. I was sadly told I might not make it through delivery, so if you get the baby on your doorstep that means I'm dead. I wish you and our girl the best. I didn't name her and also, my mum would have waited till you took her in. 


Rosalina x 

"Oh Rosa, why did you have to ghost me" I said. I look at my daughter and smile. "My daughter, Emlyn Rue Gomez" I said, I take her out and hold her. I sigh and find formula. I sigh and make it after I put her in her carseat. I make sure its warm and not too hot. I smile and kiss her head. She enjoys her bottle. I burp her and smile. After she poos I changed her. 

Ok, I should text Alex or maybe Jordan... OR maybe both. I text both of them to come over. Once they arrive, I let them in. "So.... you have a baby!" said Jordan. "Yeah. Rosalina had cancer and never told me about her pregnancy.... I.... oh fuck.... I'm a dad" I said. "Ok, Alex you grab Alisson, Andy and Virgil. I will ask Mo, Darwin and Harvey. We will go get everything for a baby, Becca  wil be here soon to help you. Same with Perrie, Becca told me she and Perrie are coming over along with Rachel" said Jordan. I nod and thank them. They leave and the girls arrive. Perrie instantly takes Emlyn. "What's her name?" asked Perrie, smiling. "Emlyn Rue Gomez" I said, smiling. "She is a beauty alright" said Rachel, rubbing her cheek. 

"You ok?" asked Becca. "I mean, her mum died and I don't know what to do" I said. "You go about it every day, one day at a time. Your an amazing person with kids, Joe. You with mine and Jordan's kids, they adore you" said Becca. "And Axel would love to live with you, he says your name all the time" said Perrie. "Same with mine and Andy's, they talk about you ALL DAY! Jesus it gets annoying sometimes" said Rachel. I smile and nod. "Thank you, for your words" I said. 

They come home and we set the room up. The girls look after her. Once we finish, we have dinner before they go home. I put Emlyn down for the night after feeding and changing her nappy. I sit on the sofa and yawn. Rachel, Perrie and Becca actually took some pictures of her and sent them to me which I will post now. 

1,000,202 likes - perrieedwards, andyrobertson, alexoxladechamberlain, Jordanhenderson

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1,000,202 likes - perrieedwards, andyrobertson, alexoxladechamberlain, Jordanhenderson

Joe Gomez: Hi guys! Just wanted to do a quick life update. 9 months ago, I met this girl. Rosalina, you were amazing and even though she ghosted me, she kept our girl. Sadly she passed away after  being told there was a chance she could die during childbirth. We were only in the beginning of a relationship and I never got the chance to talk to her again. Now I have a baby girl, Emlyn Rue Gomez. I love her so much already! I hope you welcome her to Liverpool with open arms  x

Alexoxladechamberlain: Proud of you bro, you'll be the best dad ever 

Jordanhenderson: Emi is so cute x proud of you

I smile and go to bed. 

I hope I can handle this!

Hope you enjoyed this one!

I might do a part two, but we will see :)

Lorna xx

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