Solly March

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NAME: River

You and him get into an arguement 

Solly's POV:

Today I'm meeting my ex-wife to talk about our daughter, Zoe. River doesn't know because lately she's been either jealous or just annoyed. I leave before she gets out of the shower. I don't know why she doesn't like Amelia but I have tried and she hasn't told me.

Once I arrive at the coffee shop, I order a coffee and see Amelia in the back. I sit down and smile. "Hey, how are you?" I ask. "Good, so um Zoe is acting up in school" said Amelia. Zoe is 7 and a right little smart girl. "How?" I ask. "I don't know, her teachers say she's always talking, never doing anything" said Amelia. "I never thought she'd act up" I said. "She's giving back cheek to the teachers apparently, I don't know why" said Amelia. I sigh and shake my head. "When she's with me, I'll talk to her" I said. "Ok, thank you. She won't listen to me. I discussed this with her and she was like I don't care, I'll do what I'll want. She's 7!" said Amelia. I sigh and shake my head.

"I can't believe this" I said, looking at her. "We'll fix it" said Amelia, nodding. "I'll have a chat with her and then let you know how it goes. It isn't fair you deal with it all" I said. "And I'm ok with that, Solly. We were good but we lost it. I know your job, I lived it" said Amelia. "I know" I said. "How does River handle it?" asked Amelia. "I don't know, sometimes I think she hates it and other times likes it" I said, sighing. "Oh" said Amelia, nodding. "Yeah" I said. We talk for a bit before I go home.

Once I walk in, River's standing there and shows me a picture on her phone. "Why the fuck were you on a coffee date with her?" asked River. "She has a name, River. Amelia had to talk to me about Zoe and how she was acting up! Not anything else!" I said. "You always say that! That's a cover up!" said River. "No it isn't! I love you!" I said, frowning. "Then why meet up with her? You can use the phone!" said River.

"River, she is the mother of my daughter, why the fuck would I not meet up with her to talk about our daughter and if she is in trouble!" I said, getting really angry. "Your cheating on me! Your a fucker!" said River. "How am I cheating on you if me and Amelia meet up in public?" I said, getting even more angry. "Oh fuck off you cheater" said River. "I'm done. We're done. Your such a bitch" I said, going to pack my stuff and leave.

I text Amelia and she said I can stay with her. I drive there and park. I go inside and she hugs me. "I'm sorry" said Amelia. "I'm not. She was jealous of you and it annoyed me. She thought that us meeting today was me cheating" I said, frowning. 

I unpack in the guest room and then go downstairs. "Daddy! Your living with us!" said Zoe, hugging me. "Yeah bubs" I said, kissing her head. She nods and I sigh. "Zoe, why are you acting up?" I ask. She swallows. "Because I hate River and I want you and mommy together. I know you both still love each other and that River hates me and mommy" said Zoe. "Oh bubba, I will always love your mom, she gave me you and I admit, I am still in love with her but there was a reason we divorced" I said. "Dad, you just try again. Your older" said Zoe. I nod. "And dad, I promise to not act out again" said Zoe. I chuckle and hug her.

I find Amelia. "Mia, can we talk?" I ask. She nods. "Mia, when we got divorced when Zoe was 3, we were young and struggling with my job and your job. We didn't try to fix us but we ended us with feelings. I pushed them down because I thought you'd never feel the same again but Mia, I'm still in love with you" I said. "Solly, I am still in love with you" said Mia. I smile and take her hand. "I would love to take you on a date" I said, smiling. "And I will accept wholeheartly" said Amelia, smiling. I smile and hug her. 

After that we went on dates and got married a year later. 

We had twins, Jayson Ryan and Savannah Willa March. 

Sometimes love doesn't leave you, but takes a break.

I hope you enjoyed this imagine!

Lorna xx

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