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Long time no see

So I took a break from this book for a while and it honestly helped me because I just felt after my work being stolen, I was scared it would happen again.

So I took the break, I am back now!

Work being stolen isn't great and doesn't feel good on your confidence. I've been on Wattpad for 8 years on this account and I have never had my work stolen before so it really did annoy me and knock something inside me.

I am back and I have a few players in mind but I want to know about series?

Jude's series is still postpone considering I now have to plan it again but until then, series!

Also a long awaited part 2 is coming out soon!

If you wanna read Part 1, it's the Joe Gomez one! So yeah wait for that one!

Thank you for being patient!

Lorna xx

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