REQUESTED Julian Alvarez

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NAME: Yassmin

You and Julian  have a little disagreement  over cleaning

Your POV:

Me and Julian have been dating for 2 years and we live together for the past 5 months. It's been good so far. I mean, we are getting used to each others worse habits. Today I'm tired after being awake half the night. 

I get up and pull on sweatpants and a hoodie. I go downstairs and decide to make coffee but there is no coffee. I just bought coffee a week ago. Julian walks in and smiles. "Morning baby" said Julian. "Where did all the coffee go?" I ask. "Oh, I uh had some and then left it open. I um.... it ended up spilling everywhere" said Julian. 

I groan. "Great I have no coffee!" I said, throwing my hands in the air. "I will go buy more now" said Julian. "No! You don't know the brand like I do. I'll go" I said, walking out after grabbing keys and money. I go to the shop and buy the coffee. I drive home and go inside. I make my coffee and smile. I take a sip and moan with how good it tastes. 

"Baby, I am sorry" said Julian. "Shhh. Let me enjoy my coffee" I said. He nods and goes to the sitting room. I sigh and finish my coffee. Once I do, I go put on my actual outfit for today.

I pull on skinny jeans, a white blouse and heels boots. I curl my hair and do light make up. I go downstairs and sigh. "Julian, you have messed up the sitting room after I spent ages last night cleaning up." I said. "Babe, it's not even that dirty!" said Julian. 

"Your always messy, always messing up the house after I clean it! Please just clean the fuck up!" I said, cursing which I never do. I go to the kitchen and clean up the mess from earlier. Once I finish, I go to the sitting room and clean it again.

"Julian, just get off your fucking arse and clean something!" I said, annoyed. Julian stands up. "I'll clean the gym" said Julian, walking out. I roll my eyes. I clean up and then go clean the bathrooms. I want everything clean and then once I finish, I go find him. He has the gym spotless and I smile.

"See, I can clean up" said Julian. I sigh and nod. "You can" I said. "Baby, what's wrong?" asked Julian. I shrug. "I couldn't sleep last night for some reason and I'm sorry" I said. He walks over and pulls me into a hug. "Baby you should have told me" said Julian. "I didn't want to wake you up" I said, hugging him. "Well, lets have a nap" said Julian, leading me to our bedroom. We close the curtains and lie down.

"I love you, my love. Now, lets sleep" said Julian. "I love you too, my man" I said, kissing him. I fall asleep in his arms. Once I fall asleep, I actually stay asleep.

We always will make up!

I hope you enjoyed!

Now I'm off to be nervous about the Chelsea v Fulham match. Hate having to look at stats. 

Lorna xx

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