Bukayo Saka

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NAME: Meredith

You are in a loveless relationship


 Me and Bukayo have been dating since we were 15 and I was in love with him for so long but now I have lost all feelings for him and just love him as a friend. I don't know how to tell him because his still in love with me. I haven't even looked at any other boys because I want to be faithful but I don't know how long I can handle it.

Today Bukayo is having a party for still being top of the Premier League table. I wish I could escape but I can't. I go find a dress. I pull on a silk cami and a glitter skirt. I pull on pink heels. I curl my hair and do light make up. I smile and go downstairs. 

"You look amazing, baby" said Bukayo. "Thank you, Buk" I said, smiling. Everyone arrives and we're chatting. I stand beside the wall when Milly, Ben White's girlfriend walks over. "Hey, you ok?" asked Milly. "Yeah, just tired" I said, looking around. "Uh.... are you ok?" asked Milly. I look at her and shake my head. "I fell out of love with Bukayo and I don't know how to break up with him" I said, sighing. "Oh, Mer. I'm sorry" said Milly. "I love him as a friend" I said, looking away. She nods. "Your going to have to tell him because its not fair on him." said Milly. I nod. "I'll do it now" I said. Milly grabs my hand. "No! Tomorrow, jesus not tonight" said Milly. I just nod and go find more drinks. 

I feel arms wrap around my waist. "Hey baby, you ok?" asked Bukayo. "Yeah, I'm tired" I said. I look down. "Bukayo, can we speak upstairs?" I ask.  He nods and we go into a room. I close the door and look at him. "Bukayo.... I'm sorry but I fell out of love with you and I'm sorry. I want to break up" I said. He looks at me. "I-I.... but what did I do?" asked Bukayo. I sigh. "Nothing, I just simply fell out of love" I said. He nods. "Ok well how long have you felt like this?" asked Bukayo. "The last 5 months" I said. "So for five months you made me think you still loved me when you don't. I'm going back to the party, I'm going to hang out with my friends and you can do whatever you want like get a new boyfriend so bye" said Bukayo, walking out. I sit on the bed and cry. I hear the door open and Milly walking inside. "Bukayo looked angry.... you told him" said Milly. I nod. "I did" I said, crying. "Why are you crying?" asked Milly, looking at me. "Because.... because I-I broke him" I said. 

The door bangs open. "You broke Kayo's heart! Are you fucking stupid! Get out of his house, get out of his life." said Ben. Milly holds his hand. "She told me and I told her to wait" said Milly. "And you had to do at his party? If I was you, Meredith, I'd leave" said Ben. I just nod and go grab my suitcases. I pack everything and leave. I get an Uber to a hotel and I check in. I go to my room and lie on my bed. I end up falling asleep. 

After all that, I haven't heard anything from him. It's all my fault but I couldn't keep lying to myself.

Hope you enjoyed!

Lorna xx

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