Declan Rice

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NAME: AJ (Alexandra Jade)

You and Declan are best friends but you love him and know he feels the same

Your POV:

Today is Declan's birthday and his having a relaxing day in with just me. He is celebrating tomorrow since he had a match earlier. Me and him are just friends but I am in love him and I know he feels the same because he told me last week while drunk so tonight, I'm gonna tell him before we get drunk. 

I go pull on leggings, one of Declans hoodies that I stole over a white tanke top. I pull on vans and pull my hair into a ponytail. I grab my bags and drive to his house. I let myself in and smile. He'll be homein 2 hours, so I have time to get everything ready. I smile and put the roast chicken on with potatoes and vegetables. I put the presents on the island he has and giggle. 

I smile and put the enevlope down. It's a letter, with everything I feel for him. I smile and decide to watch a random movie.

"Hey AJ, I'm home" said Declan, walking inside. I walk over. "Happy birthday, Deccers" I said, smiling. "Thank you, AJ" said Declan. He hugs me and I hug back. I smile and look at him. "Let's eat before presents" I said, smiling. He smiles and I plate the dinner. 

"This is amazing" said Declan, smiling. "Thank you" I said. I smile and I clean up. I hand him the three presents. "Open the bigger ones first" I said, sighing. He nods and looks down. He opens the first one to a couple of Nike hoodies and the second present is another Playstation controller. "Wow I love them" said Declan. I smile and motion to the letter. 

Declan's POV:

I look at the enevlope and open it. I pull out the letter and smile. I decide to read it in my head.


Happy birthday, Deccy. Me and you have been through a lot. Best friends since we were 1 and we've never looked back. 

I have been in love with you since we were 15 and I was terrified of telling you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. When we went out last week and you got drunk you told me you loved me. I decided to not tell you because I had a plan but now I want to tell you. I am in love with you, Declan Rice. 


Alexandra Jade x 

I blush and look up. "AJ.... I'm in love with you too," I said. I stand up and walk over to her. "I love you, Deccers" said AJ, kissing me. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. "Yes!" I said. We share a kiss and spend the rest of evening cuddling and watching movies. 

We are finally together!

I hope you enjoyed Declan's birthday imagine!

Lorna xx

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