Chapter 13

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Nandini was standing infront of the small saree shop,her first task as a inturn was to make sure the jewellery they have designed is inline with the fabrics and pattern of the saree. She made her way to the shop and met raghini who is incharge of the project and they immediatley started analyzing the design for the event

Pallavi joined them little late as she was handling few customers at the shop.
Ragini introduced pallavi and soon as nandini heard the name pallavi,immediately her thought went to raghav's pallavi.she wanted to know more about pallavi,but she hold back her questions,thinking she would do that at lunch time and excitedly She hugged pallavi and made herself comfortable in the place.rohini and pallavi looked at each other and smiling at themself they proceed with their work.

According to rumors raghav met pallavi in some camp in Africa and got married and separated years if this pallavi is the one she is looking for,she would have gone to Africa.

At lunch time nandini sat next to pallavi and started gathering information. unfortunately pallavi never went outside of all hopes she might be raghav's pallavi started to vanish.on the second thought if this pallavi same as other ,she would not have agreed to work with raghav. Blaming herself for thinking any one with name pallavi are related to raghav she finished rest of her lunch

Nandini informed ragini and pallavi that tomorrow onwards there would be rehearsal program for the event happening next week.they have to present their group and if there are any correction needed it will be decided by the authorities.that would give them  enough time to make those changes

Next day every one are busy preparing for the rehearsal.ragini and pallavi got huge room for themself for the preparation.pallavi placed every saree and blouse in a rack,so when the models arrives they can an easily get access to the sarees.right now models are getting ready in their vanity.ragini was discussing with nandini on how to drape sarees for the models. Pallavi sighed in relief as everything happening according to the plan,initially when they reached the venue there was some glitches,they were alloted with the wrong room later they got the correct area.there are three set of area with three different theme.theirs being traditional one. Ragini and pallavi never expected this as a such a big event.both of them felt out of could say presence of nandini and her inclusiveness kept them sane

Raghav made his way to the place where rehearsal are taking place,from last two years he is working for the project he does not want anything to go wrong.everything is almost done.based on this rehearsal,they could judge how things are falling in place. He and his other team were waiting for first group of models to show up.first set of model wear modern jewellers for young generation and next one being African style for his branch in Africa.third one for Indian traditional.all models lined up for the show in back of the stage.raghav team observed every theme and the jewellery with the dress and noted down wherever correction was needed.once everything done he stepped on the stage,thanked every one for their contribution

After every model of their group dressed and went to the green room at the back stage,ragini and pallavi sighed in relief. They were hoping everything goes as planned.ragini was called in to note down the correction and she asked pallavi to take her leave as today is ritus birthday as she made her way to the back stage. Pallavi collected her things put it back in her bag and started to walk off towards exit,when she heard raghav's voice. She felt as though some one pulled rug off the can not be true,she started following the voice hoping the voice was not raghav's.

As she peeked her head through the door,she saw raghav on the stage giving speech,she was speechless. She ran outside of the venue,she was just wondering how fate intervened them again

Pallavi felt bad for herself and raghav.only one thing he asked her to do that is to stay away from him but she ended up working for him.not wanting to create more problem than they already in,she decided to pull herself out of the project. All the work already  completed,even rehearsal also went smoothly,thinking someone else from the swamy team can replace her.

At home sunny and pallavi prepared hall for rithus second year birthday.they invited few of her friends from her neighborhood. Rithu was looking beautiful in her yellow dress.pallavi got a special gift for rithu.she was looking for bike which she can stroll within the house.pallavi saved money for nine months and purchased the bike.which she kept in her home,planning to surprise her after the party.

Ritu was so happy,she was eagerly waiting for her friends.every five minute she pulled pallavi's leg and ask what is the time,when it will be seven.she was jumping around the home excitedly waiting for the party

After arrangement for the party completed,pallavi went to her home to get ready for the party.she wore blue color palazzo with minimum makeup.she made her way towards  Sunny's home and she was about to enter the hall,when some one pulled her and dragged her towards her home.she was stunned to see raghav. He continued pull her arm till they got inside her home and closed the door behind.He let go of her arm and ordered her "You are not going to the party"

She groaned in annoyance and said"you can not stop me from doing what I want. I am attending the party if you like it or not " saying that she walked past him and was at the door when Raghav took a long stride towards her and kept his hands on both side of door,caging pallavi between him and the door and stopped her from opening the door.pallavi could feel his presence from the back of her head.her breath caught in her throat. Taking a deep breath, she spinned around and came face to face with raghav.when she looked at him there was no anger instead she could see fear and restlessness.she realised he doesn't want to stop her from going to the party but he just do not want some one to see her with him.that awareness hurted her even more

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