Chapter 11

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It's been a month since raghav and his mother returned to hyderbad,today is going to be the best part of their life as ritu is visiting their home.raghav and his mother waited for this moment for almost two years.

His mother from last three days cleaning and arranging the things in house as though some vip is arriving home.frankly speaking she is vvip in our life.she turned kirti's room into a toddlers could find everything that toddlers need in the room starting from the toys to exagravent cloths. There was no limit to her joy. She kept some of the kirthi's photos. She does not want her grand daughter to forget her own mother

Small stumping steps at the entrance made them to turn toward the entrance. There was rithu with his father standing by the door. She was wearing green frock,which came till her chubby knees. She was staring at them curiously.

Both raghav and his mother approached her,raghav mother squatted down to her height and kept her hands on either side of her face, tears were leaking from her eyes on seeing her grand daughter very close for the first time.rithu hid behind sunnys leg on seeing this.

Sunny pulled her infront of him and kneel down,point to raghavs mother and asked her,"do you remember who is this"

Ritu nodded her head rigorously and said "granny" and she pointed towards raghav and said "uncle". Smiling at her sunny asked "where are you going to stay today".smiling at him and scanning the entire house and twirling around she said "granny's big home".

Both raghav and his mother surprised that she could recognize them.they might have different opinion about sunny but they surely appreciate his effort.

Sunny got up and handed over few toys and her favorite teddy to raghav mother and instructed her about ritus daily routine.

Raghavs mother hugged sunny and said thanks to him for agreeing for weekend visit.sunny smiled at her and said "it's your right,I am no one to decide on that. As you know I am an orphan,I do not have any one other than are the only family she it's even her right to know her own family" he said to her

sunny was getting late and he said "I will pick up her tomorrow evening" he just nodded at raghav. Surprisingly for the very first time raghav nodded back.he made his way out of the house to work

Though ritu was hesitant at the begning eventually she warm up to them.both of them have become her favorite.raghav played with her hour or so and made his way to his study.he wanted her mother to spend more time with her. He doesn't want to intervene so he instructed one of the house helper to keep an eye on them. He doesn't want, what happened in the past to repeat and loose the opportunity to see her again

In the evening Raghav was sitting in middle of the room with ritu. Comb and colorful hair clips in his hand sulking like a child. He shouted "mom, can you come over here.its urgent"

Raghav mother ran to the room with cereals in her hand thinking something happened to ritu but what awaited her was angry ritu and sulking raghav.she looked at them back and forth for few time and finally turned towards raghav and said "What's the urgent matter,I was preparing her food before she sleeps. Whatever you wanted can not that wait for ten more minutes" she scolded him

He nodded no and said " I hardly have a hour in my hand before her bed spent entire day with her you did not even let me have uncle and niece time. I planned so much for the day, but with the time left in hand, I can do one activity that is to comb her hair into two piggy tail and take a photo with her. I have spent hours in my room seeing YouTube to learn to make piggy tail. Now she is not letting me touch her hair. can you please convince her" He said sadly

His mother tried to keep a straight face but could not hold her laugh back, she was wondering who is kid here raghav or rithu. She felt bad for raghav,so she leaned down to the height of rithu,patted her head and asked "see baby uncle want to keep two beautiful piggy tail rather than this single one. You look like a princess in that. Can your favorite uncle try that" she tried to convince ritu but to no avail.

What she said next surprised both raghav and his mother. Ritu said "uncle pony rithu" she meant she wants to do pony on raghav.

Raghav groaned at her request and immediately got up from the ground said " no" he grumbled cutting her off as he walked towards the door

Raghav mother stopped him and said " where are you going raghav,stay back"

Raghav turned around looked at his mother angry face and then looked at ritu who look like she was about to cry any minute. His mother said accusingly "this is the first thing she ever asked from you and are you going to deny it.i did not expect this from you".

He fell into their trap knowing no way around. He would not risk offending ritu at any cost. he dragged his leg and made his way next to ritu and sat down.ritu was jumping with joy as though she was not pouring her eyes out minute back and his mother was smirking at him

Ritu took comb and clips on her chubby hand and stepped on raghav's lap and started combing his shoulder length hair. After his life tragedy he lost intrest in everything one of them is his hair .after a year or so it grow long reaching his shoulder,he generally put a man bun except today.

Ritu started with one pony tail putting clip randomly.from last half an hour she is working on something.every time she pulls his hair,she kiss raghav in face and start working again as though she has not pulled his hair a second back.he did not seemed to mind though

It's been a hour,finally she let go of her comb took a step back and looked at her master piece and ran to raghav, hugged him and gave him a one last kiss.

He knew his hair might look like a bird nest.she picked whatever she could find on the ground and kept it on his head.when she gave him a big hug he forgot this hair disaster,till he felt the flash of the camera. He looked up see her mother taking photos of them.

"Mom,you are not taking any photos, I might look like a ghost.hand over your phone" He begged her with scowl on his face

"You are the one wanted to take a photo with ritu with two piggy tail. It just turned otter way around.i have to appreciate ritu for her handy work on you. You look much human now.for your information I might have a video of the same" saying that she sprinted out of the room

Raghav got up from the ground and was about to run behind his mother but stopped himself on the way and turn around and looked at rithu and asked "do you want to catch your granny"

Ritu leave the toys with which she was playing behind her and jumped right into raghav's arm as they both made out of the room to catch her mother.

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