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Pallavi looked at the paper realizing last page was missing,she looked around and saw one more paper  lying at the corner of desk.she took the paper and arranged it and made sure every paper in order and pushed it in envelope and went back to her counter.

When a guy ragini sent arrived at shop, she handed him over the envelope. She did not even realize her name in the last paper going to create a chaos in her life.

Raghav,ragini and nandini were looking at the final rehearsal. jewelleries were well going with the dress,it's kind of highlighting the jewellary rather than the dress or models,which was their aim. After making all the correction they were ready for the final show at seven. Raghav collected the documents needed fo the show from ragini and nandini as he made way for his room in hotel which he reserved for the day.

Ragini called pallavi in the evening and told her about things happenings around,she wished pallavi was with her to see their effort unfolding on the their conversation she brought up topic,where raghav would appreciate their work by calling out their name on the stage and she was eagerly waiting for the moment.

On hearing raginis word,pallavi felt sick.she disconnected the call saying that she had to take care of customer at the shop.she had to do something so that raghav would not come to know about her involvement in the show.she immediately took her moped and headed towards the event.

When she reached the venue,she parked her vehicle and was climbing the stairs which leads to their green room ,when she saw raghavs mother making her way to raghav standing at the top of the stairs. she turned around and waited for them to go inside and entire time her heart was beating, and she just hoped no one recognize her. When both of them left ,she rushed to a place where ragini and nandini preparing for the show.

Both ragini and nandini surprised to see a same time they were happy they got a extra hand for the remaining work.pallavi took ragini aside and enquired about the documents which has their name.ragini said that the document finalized and is it with raghav or his PA. Ragini was about to go their and give his PA the order of model walk on the ramp. Pallavi said she will accommodate with her and both of them walked towards backstage.

Ragini could sense pallavis anxiety,she stopped her and checked,whether she was ok,does she have any problem could she help in her any way.but pallavi said everything she rushed towards raghav's back stage room.

She pushed open raghav's make shift room at the back stage,it has single desk with few files on the top.she reached the desk and started to go through the files,she could not find the files and she was left with two last files. Praying the God she open the last file,at end of the file she could see the list of name.she sighed in relief and tear the last page and crushed it,and turned to go out of the room,but she heard the foot step coming towards the room.she moved behind the curtains,as she waited the person to pass

Raghav entered the small temporary room at the backstage,he kept all the files which he finalized with Farhad on the desk and removed the watch kept it on desk as he slumped on the small chair next to the was hectic day, they are almost at tail end of the event, where all his latest collection will be displayed and after that he would give a last speech of the event.

He doesn't like the crowded area,especially giving speech. he avoids it as much as possible but sometimes his profession demands it,which he could not help.he was just hoping he wouldn't get panic attack like last time.thinking that he leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes for a moment.

When he closed his eyes raghav felt some one presence in the room ,he quickly opened his eyes and looked around the room,but he could not find anyone. At the same time Farhad entered the room and asked him to get to the stage as everyone waiting for him.raghav lifted himself off the chair and took a steps,when smell of lavender washed over him  which reminded him of pallavi,he turned back and scan the room again but to no avail. Farahad interrupted his search and took him to the stage.

Once raghav walked off the room pallvi slide the screen and stepped into the room.she felt guilty as though she was betraying raghav.she was not a kind of person who does thing from the back.she always faced things upfront but this time around situation led her do things.promising herself she would never get into situation like this,she moved out of the room

Raghav was seated with other investor and guests looking at the show unfold infront of him,even media was covering the each model walk to end of the ramp,on the side screen, zoomed version of the jewellery was displayed,so the audience could get the clear detail of the jewellary piece.he could sense by audiance applause most of the design were hit.this appreciation fades all his and his team sleepless night as he sighed in relief

After the show he stepped up the stage and welcomed all the guests and media in the audiance and started his speech " This is one of the most special day for both me and my mother,he gestured towards his mother who was in the audiance,as we are opening our new venture in the jewellery and for the very first time we are announcing the name of the brand that is none other than our beloved sister "kirthi".as all of you know we lost her two years back this day,those were hardest days for us,frankly speaking even whenever I remember her it's a heart breaking.losing someone is the hardest.she was happy go person,I knew she always wanted to remember her with smile rather than in we opened this place,hoping her name could bring smile in ours life from now onwards. I do not want to take more time saying this story.i request you people keep my sister in your prayers and before ending this event I want to specifically take the names,who worked hard till last minute for the event.he flipped the last page of the document and took all the name in it " as he end the speech .when he looked at his mother from the dias,who was sobbingin in Farhad arm,Farhad was inturn consoling his mother and he made his way towards his family.

When he reached his mother,she hugged him saying you have lifted off part of the guilt by this inauguration.i would have appreciated more if you would have stayed back in hyderbad instead of flying to south Africa next week.

P.S :happy new year. Have a wonderful year ahead. Be healthy

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