Chapter 6

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Orders for sarees began to pour in, and Pallavi felt a wave of relief wash over her. She silently thanked God for the influx, knowing it meant her job was secure for the time being.

"Krishna," she said, glancing at the growing pile of orders, "we might need to call Swamy to get more sarees from the godown. At this rate, we'll run out soon."

Just as she reached for her phone, Krishna reminded her, "He might be busy. Try calling him now."

Pallavi dialed Swamy's number, but after a few rings, her call was rejected. She shrugged it off, thinking he was likely in a meeting, and returned her focus to the students arriving at their stall. As she welcomed them, she spotted a group of eager young women and began showcasing the different saree varieties.

A moment later, her phone buzzed with a call back from Swamy. Since she was in the middle of assisting customers, she turned to Krishna. "Can you take this? It might be good news."

Krishna answered the call, relaying the details of their booming sales to Swamy, who was on the other end of the line.

Meanwhile, Raghav was in his office, anxiously awaiting Swamy's decision on the consignment contract. He knew how crucial this partnership was for both parties. Swamy was about to sign when he saw Pallavi's name flash across his phone. Considering her like a daughter, he hesitated. Family always came first, so he rejected the call, planning to return it later.

"Take that call," Raghav insisted, his tone firm. "She might need you."

Reluctantly, Swamy decided to answer. After a brief exchange, he learned from Krishna about the successful orders and the need for more sarees. Feeling a weight lift off his shoulders, he assured Krishna he'd arrange for additional stock and ended the call.

"Looks like we'll have enough money from the college orders to kickstart Raghav's project," Swamy thought, relief flooding through him as he finally signed the contract.

On the other side of town, Raghav and his mother were starting their day with a visit to the daycare where Ritu spent her time. Despite the court order that restricted any interaction with their niece, the sight of her brought both joy and sorrow. Ritu was the spitting image of her late mother, Kirthi, and every glimpse of her felt like a bittersweet reminder of their loss.

Raghav's heart ached as he watched his mother gaze longingly at Ritu, who was playing with other children. It pained him to see the emptiness in her eyes, knowing they couldn't approach or comfort her. They had to comply with the judge's orders—one that had promised weekend visits if they showed improvement in their behavior.

Raghav's shoulders slumped as he turned away, wishing there was more he could do. They had to play the waiting game, hoping for a chance to be a family again.

Raghav had fought hard to maintain the fragile balance of his life over the past two years. He wouldn't risk jeopardizing the chance of seeing Ritu on weekends by reaching out to her. The memory of that courtroom loomed large in his mind, a dark shadow that haunted him relentlessly.

As he waited in the car, he recalled the day when Pallavi had testified against him. The gasps in the courtroom echoed in his ears as she nodded in response to the lawyer's questions, painting a picture that led to his loss of custody. The sting of betrayal had cut deep, and he had felt utterly defeated when the judge ruled against him and his mother.

Shaking his head to dispel the painful memories, he prepared to start the engine and return to the office. But then he froze. There, just ahead, he saw Pallavi entering the daycare, cradling Ritu in her arms. His heart raced as he tried to process the sight. Before he could approach, she disappeared inside, leaving him in a swirl of emotions.

Pallavi left Ritu in the care of the daycare staff and was heading out when Raghav's hand gripped her elbow, pulling her into the shadows of the building. She gasped in shock, her heart pounding in fear as she turned to face him. The rage in his eyes was unmistakable.

"What are you doing with my niece?" he thundered, his voice a storm of anger and accusation.

Pallavi stepped back, confusion flooding her. "I was dropping Ritu off. Sunny had a last-minute meeting," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

Raghav stepped closer, invading her space. "And you just happened to be at the daycare at the exact moment?" His tone was laced with skepticism.

"I live next to his home!" she replied, her frustration bubbling to the surface.

"Which means you're involved with him," he shot back, eyes narrowing.

Pallavi closed her eyes, trying to suppress her emotions. "I don't live with him. I live next to him," she insisted, her voice shaking.

"It's the same thing!" Raghav's voice rose, the tension thickening between them.

"Is this really going anywhere?" she asked, her patience wearing thin. She tried to step away, but he blocked her path again.

"Was this your plan all along?" he accused, his voice dripping with venom. "You testify against us in court, leading to our loss of custody, and now you're playing house with Sunny?"

"Raghav, we were there to fight for Ritu's custody. It was never meant to end like this," Pallavi pleaded, tears brimming in her eyes. "It wasn't just my decision; it was ours. We were ready to start a family."

"Your ignorance led us to lose custody!" he shot back. "Sunny is now part of your family, and I have no chance of seeing my niece."

Pallavi felt the weight of his words crush her spirit. "It was never our intention to hurt you. We only wanted what was best for Ritu. We tried to convince the judge to reverse the restraining order, but he wouldn't listen," she admitted, her voice tinged with defeat.

"Really?" he scoffed, disbelief etched across his face. "You expect me to believe that?"

As he turned to leave, his words cut through her. "I thought I'd never have to see you again, but here we are. Do us both a favor and stay out of my life. I will get Ritu back, and I won't let you or Sunny keep her from me."

Pallavi watched him walk away, disappointment crashing over her like a wave. The finality in his voice echoed in her heart, leaving her feeling more lost than ever. His words stung, and she couldn't shake the feeling of despair that settled in her chest. It was as if the last thread of hope for a peaceful resolution had been severed, leaving her in darkness.

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