16: Silhouettes of the Past

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"Much have I suffered, laboured long and hard by now in the waves and war"- Homer, Odyssey

"Much have I suffered, laboured long and hard by now in the waves and war"- Homer, Odyssey

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Kairos' POV:

A shrieking door. A loud, piercing scream. A divulging darkness.

I bolt up, a coat of sweat covering my forehead. My legs carry me to the sound of her before I can think. Her screams of horror.

"Kai!" She calls for me. I run faster and faster, to the other side of the cell. A scintillating streak of yellow fluorescent light penetrating through the jar door and two men thrice the size of her holding her up by arms as she flailed her limbs.

"This bitch needs to be shut up," One of them grunted.

"Let me go!" She begs in broken English, wailing. They look up at me, their annoyance turning into humour. I see the blood lust shining in their eyes. One of them smiles, mocking.

"Go back to your place boy," The one at the right says, a deep scar running through the side of his face. He takes out a knife, pressing it at the side of her neck. She stops crying, her beautiful silver eyes pleading.

"Let her go," I mutter calmly. I have killed countless men and watched them beg for their lives. These bastards do not know I can make a necklace out of their throat and give it to her as a souvenir.

"Or else what are you gonna do, huh?" The other one laughs, "Fight us?"

"If need be, I will."

"If need be..." Their mockery only makes me calmer. I assess the cell quickly. I will get her out of here. I have entertained them longer than necessary.

She will join me. I will protect her, forever.

"You are barely fifteen, kid," One of them utters, "You can't do shit."

A small smirk lights up my lips.

"N-No, Kai," She whimpers, her small body shaking from terror, "Kai, they will kill you."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐍 [18+] (#0.5)✔️Where stories live. Discover now