24: Unveiling the Truth

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"His heart beat high for war and he blazed with an implacable fire which needed no kindling

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"His heart beat high for war and he blazed with an implacable fire which needed no kindling."

Virgil, Aeneid



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Kairos' POV:

"Cel!" I call out in panic as she falls on the snow with a 'thump'. Heart racing in fear, I rush to her, my boots crunching against the ground. Cold air, sharp as a knife, pierces through my nerves as I kneel on the ground and cradle her limp body in my arms.

She has always been weak to cold weather.

Her lips tremble, her tears turn into ice.

"We have to move, they will find us," I gulp, looking around in the barren snowy fields. In the distance, I hear the howling of dogs and the shouts of men.

"L-Leave me..." She whispers, trembling like a dry leaf, "Run, Kai."

"I am not leaving you!" I hiss, cradling her head in my arms and slowly lifting her from the ground.

Without any hesitation, I take off my jacket and drape it over her head. She sniffles as I button it, covering all the way down to her waist. She is too short compared to me, I can damn well make a coat with a full body pocket and zip her up inside it so that no one touches her.

Only her face remains uncovered. She looks damn cute with her runny nose and teary silver eyes that hold a look of utter confusion and pure panic. I grin, leaning down to bop her nose.

"What?" She scrunches her face , looking at the tip of her pink nose cross-eyedly, "Is there something on my nose?"

I take her hand, entwining my fingers with her, "Just a shit load of cuteness."

She huffs, running with me through the snow, "That's stupid."

"I am going to marry you one day, Celeste. I can call you cute," My smile widens at the indignant huff that leaves her, "You better get used to it."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐍 [18+] (#0.5)✔️Where stories live. Discover now