23: Souls of the Night (R)

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WARNING: Mind numbing, toe curling smut with degradation kink, knife play and mild mention of voyeurism

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WARNING: Mind numbing, toe curling smut with degradation kink, knife play and mild mention of voyeurism. You can thank me by voting and commenting.

"I will carry you on my back. This labor of love will never wear me down. Whatever falls to us now, we both will share one peril, one path to safety."

Virgil, Aeneid

― Virgil, Aeneid

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Lunaire's POV:

He breathes raggedly, I see the darkness returning to his eyes. They remind me of a forest before a storm, dark green and shadowed by long lashes. He licks his lower lip, his eyes a blazing inferno.

An inferno that sears its heat all over my skin.

A gasp escapes me as he grabs my throat. A delicious tremor runs down my spine as I stare into his darkened eyes. His eyes fall on my lips and goosebumps erupt over my skin.

"Are you sure?" He whispers against lips, barely brushing over mine. I squirm on his lap, desperate for some friction. He grabs my thigh, squeezing the flesh and effectively rendering me immobile.

His breath fans over my lips, the fabric of his suit brushes against my bare skin. My senses are hyper aware of his presence, every breath he takes and how it seeps into my soul.

"There is no going back, Lunaire," His fingers leave my thigh and slowly brush along my spine, leaving a trail of electricity along my heated skin, "No more playing around."

The gravel in his voice makes me shiver as I wrap my thighs around his torso, desperate for a release. His words are laced with dark promises, chocolate and fine wine. I would like to taste more of it.

He squeezes my throat until I choke, opening my lips, desperate for a gulp of air. He curls his hand around my hair. My scalp burns in pain and pleasure. He smirk widens, enjoying my show of vulnerability.

His large frame holds me as a captive. I am truly trapped against him.

Tears burn at the back of my eyes as he pushes his thumb inside my mouth, playing with my tongue. I smile seductively, swirling it around and sucking his thumb like I would a cock.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐍 [18+] (#0.5)✔️Where stories live. Discover now