18: Reverance (R)

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"The heart in his rugged chest was pounding, torn"

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"The heart in his rugged chest was pounding, torn"

― Homer, The Illiad

Recap: Lunaire's watch is forgotten at the Pakhan's home. She goes to retrieve it, ends up in an altercation with him. He promises her to give her what she wants in exchange of honest answers to his questions.




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Lunaire's POV:

He is incorrigible.

His eyes shine like wet forest after rain, I get lost in the warm scent that surrounds me like a cocoon. I feel the throbbing rhythm of my traitorous heart, the droplets of sweat that stick to my skin, the hum of my warm blood.

The proximity murks my thoughts. It is an aftermath, perhaps an epiphany or maybe just a moment, but I see it in his eyes.

The fire that will slowly, but surely scorch my sinful soul and melt us together, moulding into one.

Like a siren's call, it beckons me. I let myself loose and it is like falling off a cliff.

Fast, exciting but an eternal ending.

His eyes resemble that of a fox's. Cunning and predatory. I am his prey tonight and he is going to rip me to shreds.

I gasp as the watch presses harder into my soft, sensitive nipple- the coldness bites into my skin painfully, which arouses me even more.

"I asked," The lithe, smooth voice as velvet caresses my skin, smouldering and husky as if made for sinning, "Deal?"

An insolent strand of his hair escapes the confinement of hair gel and falls over his eyes. I stare at it, fighting the urge to tuck the strand behind his ear. Eyes like emeralds shine akin to a nocturnal creature.

I feel parched, ignited. I want to drown in a pool of cold water.

I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐍 [18+] (#0.5)✔️Where stories live. Discover now