8 Date, Dinner, & The Living Room Floor

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Walking around the Christmas festival definitely feels like a date with Cal. We stroll closely up and down the garland-lined streets, nudging into each other and chatting about our lives. Cal stops to talk to the vendors, and genuinely shows interest in their products.

Within minutes of exploring the holiday fair, four different children approached Cal to tell him what their Christmas wishes are. In each case, he gives them his attention and tells them if they are good to go or if they need to clean up their acts before the big day. It solidifies the idea I had at the tree farm. He must have a good soul. It's very cute how he handles them with care each time. But I do wonder how he knows each kid's name. Maybe it is some old magic trick or something.

As we get to the end of the last row of craft tents, Cal's eyes light up.

"Linda's Luxury Concoctions!" His excitement is uncontainable, pointing to a food truck managed by a precious old lady.

He darts over and hugs the woman through the serving window. Watching him interact with her makes my heart smile. He is so damn charming. I am not sure how anyone could avoid being won over by the big sexy teddy bear.

Cal makes his way back to me with a cup in each hand. Whipped cream is overflowing from the tops.

"Linda is the best. I saw her a few weeks back in the Toronto area selling apple cider at a neighborhood Halloween party," he tells me as he passes a cup to me.

I look up at him as he tells me about how Linda has been traveling North America selling delicious refreshments since her husband passed away six years ago. When he sips his drink, frothy white foam clings to his mustache. I reach up and wipe it with my thumb and pop my cream-cover digit into my mouth.

"Hey. Give that back," my colossus says, leaning down and kissing me.

"You are amazing. Where did you come from, mister? " he whispers in my ear.

Cal's compliment is so nice, but it baffles me a bit. How am I the amazing one? How did I capture his attention? Hell, how did our paths even cross here Airy Gap: Nowheresville, USA? There are so many better looking and fitter men out there than me. Yet our magnetic force is unquestionable.

"You are so welcoming and easy to talk to. No judgments. I can tell it in your spirit, Ry. And you are So. Fucking. Hot. Inside and out," he continues to compliment me, reading the concerns in my mind.

The cocoa may be warming my hands, but Cal is melting my heart.

"Let's head back to the cabin for some wine and board games. I'll whip up some dinner for us," he suggests.

"Nothing sounds better," I tell him as we turn our path toward his pick-up.


Cal miraculously puts together an amazing dinner. I am not even sure where he got all of the ingredients for chicken marsala, but I am now stuffed and dreamily gazing at him on the sofa as he tells me about the time he tried to learn how to play rugby.

"Looks like we are out of wine," he says, shaking the empty bottle. "I will see if there is any more."

He stands, but before he can move, I grab his arm and yank him toward me. This catches him off guard, and he ends up landing right in my lap.

"Ry," he yelps. "I am a lot a dude to be plopping down on someone."

I laugh as he fidgets, trying to get off of me in fear that he has caused injury.

"Chill, Big Guy," I say. "You are fine. Just sit here with me for a bit." I wrap my arms around his waist to keep him stationed in my lap.

He pivots and swings his legs up on the couch. His ass slides off my thigh, but he nuzzles his wide frame into me and rests his head on the curve of my neck. I wrap my arm around his back. My free hand interlocks with his and they lie softly on his plushy crotch.

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