20 The King of the Ice Elves

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When I come to, I am swaddled in a cocoon of warm fur blankets in the middle of a sparkling cavernous room. I unwrap myself a bit and look down to find I'm still completely naked. But I am happy to find no signs of frostbite.

I look up to the doorway of my room to find a purple guardian. He's just as tall as the others I've seen. His body is built with as many rippling muscles. However, something's shocking. He's got a massive beer belly sticking out over the waistline of his loin. It seems so out of place in comparison to the rest of him. But for some reason, there's something endearing about it. Almost as if I want to reach out and rub it.

Another sentry enters the room. I remember him from the fight in the forest. He and my present guardian have a conversation in a language I can't understand. He then comes to me and pulls me from my warm furry pod. I don't even feel him putting the shackles on my wrists, for the room is so cold. My body instantly starts to shiver.

My round-bellied keeper barks something to him and I can tell he's annoyed. He pushes him aside and wraps a fleece robe around me. I can feel the warmth radiating off his body. As he's tying it off at my waist, I find my hands resting on his large belly. I may be going crazy but I swear I feel his heartbeat in his stomach. He has a sorta grin on his face when I realize he is done getting me ready and I am still touching him.

Then the gruff servant takes my hands from his comrade's body and leads me out of the room. I follow him down the hallway, the nicer lavender hunk following a step behind us.

All the walls are covered in amazing layers of crystallized ice. We take a right turn through double doors into a large ceremonial hall. Beyond parallel rows of chairs, a large purple ogre of a man sits on a majestic throne. As I approach, I see his headband encrusted with countless gemstones. It is clearly a king's crown. This idea leaves me the moment I am sidetracked by his own manly jewels resting on the cloth of the throne seat. His loin is not doing any job of covering his smooth, dangling orbs. He garbles at the servant that manhandled me and the helper turns and leaves us. It is now just me, the purple dignitary, and the kind watcher who dressed me. My heart starts to beat, but I try to keep my anxiety under control. The leader starts speaking to me, but I have no clue what he's communicating.

I raise an eyebrow and tilt my head like a dog, confused as to what's going on. He stops, leans forward in his chair, and beckons me to come to him. I do, but I am unable to take my eyes off of his big eggplant that has slipped out from under his breechclout. With both hands, he reaches out and places them softly on my ears. With a slight tingle, I hear a soft and pleasant tone. It makes me smile in spite of myself. This also makes my captor grin.

"I assume you can hear me now," he says.

I'm surprised. Clear as day.

"Yes. I can hear you."

"Sir," he said. "I am the king of the ice elves, please call me, 'sir,' human."

I nod in apology. He pulls the rope of my robe and it falls to the ground. I stand before the king completely nude. The incredible coldness sends an immediate chill through my body. As I shudder, the lord pats his leg as if to tell me to join him in his lap.

I climb up onto his thighs, and he situates me by leaning me back. Both of my legs to one side, my ass slides down between his meaty legs. Only the fabric of his loincloth separates my bare ass from his kingly pole. With one arm behind my shoulders, and the other resting on my belly, the patriarch looks me in the face.

"I am Emperor Arkeeni," he informs me. "You have entered the land of the ice elves, and I am their leader."

I start to apologize for my ignorance, but he waves me off.

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