26 Six Months Later

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I bring a tray of pizza rolls into the living room and place it on the coffee table in front of Travis. He reclines in only a pair of boxer briefs. After fucking me bent over the counter in the kitchen, we didn't see the need for putting all of our clothes back on.

The intro to Friday the 13th VII is paused as I get the rest of the snacks and a second beer. It has been a weird six months, but I am incredibly grateful for Travis's friendship...with benefits. He knows I am not at a place where I can navigate a true relationship, and quite frankly I am not sure he can handle my baggage, but he is an amazing movie buddy and great kisser. Travis jokes that there are no other options in Airy Gap, so putzing around with me is fine for now.

I know he has feelings for me, but it is kind of him to say we are just friends. Am I a sociopath? Am I stringing him along?

As I flump down beside him on the couch, a fleeting feeling of regret leaves me. For obvious reasons, I promised myself no decorating for Christmas this year. It is the second week of December and there is no tree or lights or garland anywhere in my house. I told my family that I'm not buying presents this year, and the nieces and nephews are getting cash.

"Ready?" Travis asks, pressing unpause on the remote and the famous hockey mask appears on the screen.

We have already made it through all of the Halloweens, including the two new series. I am trying to make it to Jason X to see the killer maim and destroy on a spaceship. Okay, I am a sociopath. Horror movies, jump scares, and falling asleep on Travis mid-movie, makes my broken soul hurt a little less.

Wait. Am I Jason? Am I leaving chaos in my wake?

I turn and look at Travis. He is already engrossed in the movie. I contemplate sliding over onto him and kissing him deeply, thanking him for his help and care. But the timer on the air fryer goes off and I remember I have mozzarella sticks baking.

Travis swats my briefs-covered ass cheek as I bounce to the kitchen.

With the help of a spatula, I sling the golden fried rods onto a plate. I am getting the marinara sauce ready when I hear Travis curse about something. I assume it is a moment when the killer jumps out to claim one of his victims. I have learned over the past few months that Tavis is big and manly, but he can't handle jump scares very well.

"Ah, Ryan. You need to come in here," he calls to me from the living room.

I saddle up and make my way back to the couch.

Taking the corner into the den, I find Travis on his feet. "Aww, did the big scary murderer frighten–"

My eyes shoot to the other two men standing between him and the TV. Like a stupefied idiot, I let the plate of fried cheese and sauce fall to the floor.

"Louie, Elron, what," I clear my throat, "What are you doing here?"

"You know them?" Travis asks.

"Yes," I reply without looking at him.

I take in the dichotomy between their sizes. Tall, hulking Elron and short, bullish Louie. I rub my eyes and squeeze the bridge of my nose.

A few months ago I would have been ecstatic to see them. But I have since closed the Cal door and turned eight proverbial deadbolts. I wasn't left with a choice—zero communication from him after sending me packing from Venice.

Now here, in my living room, are two people who have a direct connection with him. I hear my sadness, my questions, my heartbreak banging on the closed door of my mind. One by one, each of the locks turns to open.

"Ryan, sorry for the intrusion," Lousie offers.

"Are you?" I scoff. Acting like an asshole is going to be the only way I can deal with this shit.

"We don't have time for this," Elron butts in. "You have to come with us."

My eyes go big, and I let out a snort. "I have to go with you. Wow. I haven't heard from him or either of you in months and you want me to drop everything and go."

"Ryan," Louie tries.

"I think you guys need to go. I want nothing to do with this. Cal made his own choices and one was clearly lying to me about wanting to be together. Whatever he wants, he can figure it out himself."

"Cal is gone," Louie says.

My insides explode, but I give a don't-give-a-damn shrug.

"Arkeeni is dying," he adds.

This news hits harder, but I play it off.

"I am sorry, I truly am, but I'm not sure what you want from me."

"It's Krampus," Elron gets to the point. "He is behind all of this and you may be the only one who can help."

"Krampus. Like the monster from holiday fairytales?" Travis asks.

"Who is this guy?" Elron inquires, stepping over to him.

He and Travis go chest to chest, inspecting each other.

Louie turns to me. "We need to go, and you need to come with us. Cal has never stopped loving you. He has been heartbroken for months, and now he is nowhere to be found. We know Krampus has him, but we are not sure where."

I look around my empty house. I realize Cal's situation is serious. I have no Christmas spirit. If I am this low, I can only imagine how the rest of the world is handling it.

"Okay, boys, that's enough," I say to Travis and Elron. I turn back to Louie and add, "Let's go save Santa."

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