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Bony, long hands with long nails held on the scrubbing brush running it on the dirty floor. The juices from the watermelon that was cut open splashed on the floor, making the clean floor dirty again.

Her eyes widened slowly lifting them up the Apex in a greasy apron which was slashing two more huge watermelon with its machete. It sensed her stare and looked at her. It growled, making her understand what it meant. "Clean up useless children,"

"I just cleaned there," she complained.

The Apex pushed the open sack of flour on the floor. White powder filled the floor as some went on Pamela's small face. A cough escaped her crack lips while covering her nose with her inner elbow. The Apex growled, "CLEAN UP OR NO FOOD!"

Pamela's forehead wrinkled, a short snarl escaped her lips. A past memory suddenly came to his head.

She had been, still in the Grace Orphanage, Three years ago. She had stared at few children playing with snow. "Want to play?" Paul had asked, who had been sitting beside her.

She had turned to face him, "Uhm,"

Paul had gotten on his feet, "Come,"

"Where are we going?" she had asked.

"To play,"

"With the other children?"

Paul had nodded.

"Bu...But they don't like us,"

"Well, they'll learn," Paul had said, stretching his hand toward her. "Now come."

Her little hand had reached for Paul's hand, before she could touch it the sight of the rude Apex in an apron picking the tray with a dough, heading for the steamy oven had sunk in her memories.

Pamela shifted her eyes away from the Apex and carried on scrubbing the floor. The Apex placed the tray inside the oven and walked back to the table. It pulled out a few carrots, worms and cabbage, then started chopping them.

Pamela pulled the steel bucket full of water toward her, dipping the scrubbing brush inside it and carried on scrubbing the floor. The Apex pushed the enamel jar full of bug soup as it tumbled on Pamela's head.

The orange, reddish soap splashed on her long unkempt wavy hair onto her rag navy blue dress. She rapidly jerked up and a vicious snarl escaped her lips. The chains pulled her back on the floor. She dropped on her knees and realized the Apex was walking over to the boiling pots carrying the tray of chopped carrots, worms and cabbage.

It poured the mixture inside. Pamela took deep breaths staring at the Apex, her forehead wrinkled.

"CLEAN UP," the Apex growled stirring the pot.

Her eyes suddenly caught sight of the knife lying at the edge of the table. The Apex turned back and moved back to the table. It pulled out two tomatoes from the old basket and reached for the knife but it is gone. It looked around but couldn't see it. It growled, "Ohh," pulling another knife from the center of the table and looked up at Pamela who quickly looked away, resuming on cleaning the floor.

~ ~ ~


Pamela finally threw the scrubbing brush in the bucket and got on her big feet, decorated with blisters. Long nails escaped her slim toes. She ran her eyes on the shiny floor, satisfaction filled her face.

The huge figure of the Apex before her set her out of her zone. It shoved the smelly metal bucket at her chest. Her hands immediately held it so it wouldn't fall and step on her toes, like always. A growled escaped the Apex, "feed creatures," pointed toward the half open door on the left, darkness lurking from it as a loud bang escaped from the half open door.

Author's Note 🦋

Okay left u in a cliff hanger😁 what do u think is going to happen? what do u think is through the half open door?👀

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