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It was Friday afternoon and jisung was just waking up from his nap. Since his classes were in the morning except for one. He would usually nap in between time. He got up and went to get ready for his afternoon class. After he got ready he went to the kitchen to get something to eat. As he got close to the kitchen counter he noticed a note from one of his roommates.

I made you something to eat! It's in the fridge make sure to eat before going to class!! Me, seungmin, and jeongin went out to a party. So we'll be back late! - Felix

Jisung smiled at the note but he was worried about his roommates being out late it wasn't a good idea as the area they lived in wasn't the safest or at least not anymore. Since he was stuck with his afternoon class due to it being required, he had to accept it and trust his roommates to be safe.

The reason he was worried about his roommates was because mafia gangs had been roaming the area in search of something according to local policemen who had warned his college about it. So of course his college put out a warning to not be out so late. But college students like Jisung's friends didn't care about that, all they wanted was to have fun and party like there was no tomorrow.

So he decided after class he'd head over to the party after a quick stop back to their apartment. He quickly ate the food Felix left him and walked out the door not forgetting to lock it.

He made his way to the elevator taking it to the first floor. As soon as the elevator doors opened there was a group of men standing in front of him blocking the way.

He took a step back and looked at the men they were all wearing black suits and all had well-built bodies. Jisung panicked thinking of the worst, because who can these men dressed in suits blocking his way out the elevator be?? Well to his surprise he felt dumb for panicking once he saw a badge on one of the men that said maintenance. After a few seconds, one of the men in suits cleared his throat and moved out of the way letting jisung by. He quickly walked past them and hurried to class not thinking much of it and feeling stupid by feeling intimidated.

After what felt like years to jisung, he was finally done with class and was now heading over to his apartment to change his outfit. He texted Felix earlier for the address getting a reply of "OMG FINALLY! you come out to have fun!!" Because Jisung was known for not going to parties as often as his friends.

He would go once in a while but sweaty bodies and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes were not jisungs things he would rather sit at home and binge-watch Ghibli studio movies.

But one thing about jisung is that he is known for his way of dressing for parties. Most of the time he is wearing a hoodie and sweats but at parties, he is the complete opposite.

He quickly changed into a white crop top, with black ripped jeans, and a black semi-crop leather jacket, adding silver accessories, especially a waist chain emphasizing his slim waist, and topping it off with light makeup and lip gloss on his plump lips.

After he was done getting ready he put the address into his phone and decided to Uber to the place.
Once he arrived he was greeted with loud music and the smell of cigarettes. He quickly made his way inside to find his friends. Once inside he made his way to the kitchen where he spotted one of his roommates jeongin.

"Oh? Hi, ji I didn't know you were coming" Jeongin said as he drank out of his red solo cup he was holding.

"Yeah me neither" jisung said as he started to pour himself a cup too.

"Where are the other two?"

"Felix is off somewhere making out with someone, obviously since he hasn't been seen in the last 5 minutes."

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now