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It was Wednesday, a day before the fitting. Jisung and his friends were in the living room. By request from both jisung and Felix, the four had the day off from training.

Felix and Jisung were playing Mario Kart while the other two encouraged them on, something they used to do back in the day before everything happened.

"NO JISUNG GO THE OTHER WAY!" well more like screaming in their ears.

"STOP SCREAMING I'M RIGHT HERE!" the boy yelled back at seungmin who looked more worked up than him.

"The more they argue the better chance you have of winning lixie!" jeongin said gaining the other two attention, both glaring at the younger. Jeongin felt a shiver down his spine, he didn't like the way seungmin would glare at him.

"GIVE ME THIS! YOURE USELESS! EVEN JEONGIN THINKS SO!" the puppy boy said trying to get the controller away from jisung.

"HEY! HEY! HEY! NO! I'M DOING GOOD!" he yelled back trying to see from behind seungmin who was now stretched across in front of him.

Jisung didn't give up, he raised his hands above his head trying to win the race. Seungmin fell into his lap at the sudden movement, but he didn't care and kept his focus on his screen.

But just then.



"That's not fair! Seungmin was in my way!"

"Well too bad, you lost now let's go and cook some lunch!" jeongin said standing up and walking out of the room.

"I'll help, hopefully, I don't burn down the kitchen like last time" the male said sounding a bit sad, he felt bad for burning the vegetables and even restricted himself from touching the stove.

"Jisung, it's a learning process, you'll eventually learn how to cook, now c'mon let's cook a good lunch for everyone. We haven't done this in a while" The Aussie smiled at jisung, both remembering the times the four would be in the kitchen cooking for themselves.

Now having more people to feed made it a bit fun. The two followed behind seungmin who was also now heading to the kitchen.


"Ok, so it's eight of us in total, jeongin you'll be in charge of boiling the pasta, seungmin you're going to make the sauce for the pasta, me and jisung will make the chicken for it. After everything, I'll work on the brownies" Felix gave the orders to the boys who nodded in return and got to work.

"Omg! I've been craving your brownies for the longest!" jeongin said as he searched for a pot so he could boil the water.

"Yeah, well hyunjin wanted to try them so I decided this would be a great opportunity" the male said blushing a bit. This did not go unnoticed by jeongin.

"Hyunjin, huh?" the sneaky fox said making the other two look at him.

This made jisung curious, didn't the guy not like Felix?

"You have a crush on him?" jisung was the first to speak.

"No!....maybe.." Felix lowered his head feeling embarrassed.

"Wait! How did this happen? What? When?" jisung asked wanting to know how it all happened.

"Well, turns out he never hated me. He just has a hard time expressing his feelings. One day, he was teaching me how to hack into surveillance cameras and I simply asked him, because the tension in the room was too thick for me to even breathe. That's when he confessed, he said he never had a thing against me, and that day he was just pissed by the whole change, and yeah"

"Wow, who would've thought, lixie liked his trainer" jeongin spoke this time seungmin looked at him in disbelief.

"Says the one who can't stop drooling over the leader" This made jeongin feel exposed. He hadn't told anyone about his new crush only seungmin was the one to notice.

"So!? At least I'm not finding any inconvenient moment to make my trainer wrap his hands around me or even go as far as to say choke me" this made seungmin blush, his whole face was red but he didn't back down.

"HEY! That was supposed to stay in between us! And at least I'm not falling for someone because of daddy issues!"

Everyone went silent, the four boys looked at each other before focusing on jeongin. After a second of silence, the whole group burst out in laughter. Anyone from the outside would think it was a cruel thing to say to jeongin. But for them, it was a joke.

Jeongin was kicked out of his house after his parents found out he was gay. This caused the whole friend group to feel bad for the younger but after talking about it and discussing they started to make fun of it. And jeongin wasn't affected by it, instead, it was like a laugh to his parent's faces.

"What about you, jisung?" this startled him, he didn't expect to be put on the spot.

"What about me?"

"You know, got a crush on minho?" Felix asked even though knowing the answer he just hoped his friend would accept his feelings this time around.

"Not that I'm aware of! If anything he started to piss me off recently. He scolded me for the mission and even got angry when I ignored him, AND he even dared to grab my face and pull me closer to him! Who does that? He also started to stare at me at times, I can feel him plotting my death already" The three looked at the male in disbelief.

"Duh! That's what your trainer is supposed to do!"

"No! But the way he held onto my face and even came closer to where I could smell his cologne, and the way he stared at me wasn't as if he was watching out for me but more like admiring me, I don't know but I just don't like it-"

"OH MY GOD!" Felix screamed cutting him off at the end.

"You! Han jisung! Is so stupid and blind!" the Aussie male continued, seungmin and jeongin nodding in agreement with him.

"Yeah, well no shit, I wear contacts Felix!" the boy replied.

"How do you truly feel about minho?"

"Well, he's annoying at times, that's for sure, but there are times he can be kind, like last time he offered to cook for me after I burned my food. But other than that he's annoying"

Felix's face palmed, he was close to giving up on jisung.

"Okay, whatever it's pointless. Now, you," he said borrowing his eyes at seungmin.

"Don't you think it's kinda kinky to ask a man to choke you?" seungmins whole face turned red, again.

"In my defense, he's buff and has the arms to do it right" he wasn't going to lie to them, he knew they wouldn't judge him for his preferences.



"Acceptable" the three agreed.

After 20 minutes the table was set, food was placed down and Felix was just finishing cutting the brownies.

Soon the room was filled with all the boys. Minho, Seungmin, and hyunjin were on one side while Jisung, Changbin, and Felix sat on the other side, and Jeongin and Chan sat at opposite ends.

"Wow, this is very nice" Chan complimented them after taking a bite of the food. Soon everyone was complimenting the food. This made the four boys feel proud.

A tradition they used to do, which was cook for themselves turned into cooking for a whole table full of people. Something about it made the boys feel happy.

I should be asleep
it's 1 am but this is when my brain
works the best lol
Thoughts? 👀

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