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It had been weeks since Minho and jisungs encountered and a few weeks since the boys started training.

After that day jisung noticed the change in Minho. The boy would avoid him at all costs. Jisung felt hurt but then remembered the older words they truly didn't know each other.

"You look as if someone took your soul away.." jisung said sitting next to seungmin who was eating breakfast.

"Who knew learning how to use a sniper would drain the life out of me...it's just a gun!" He slammed his hand on the table annoyed with his situation.

"Well, you should've asked Chan to switch you?"

Right, everyone was assigned a person according to their abilities, and seungmin was stuck with Changbin. While jisung was stuck with Hyunjin which didn't go well since Hyunjin was scared of jisung most of the time. Felix got stuck with Minho both boys didn't mind it though. They would get along just fine. And jeongin got assigned to Chan, which both also didn't mind.

"Nope, everything else sounds difficult at least a gun just has parts to it, and no offense but it also doesn't require me to be stuck to a screen all day..." he said looking at jisung up and down.


"Chan wants us down at the meeting room in 5 minutes he said it was important." Minho said leaving as quickly as he came in.

"What's wrong with him? Why does he seem so down?"

"I don't know..." he didn't know and he wanted to know. Ever since that day, jisung started to pay more and more attention to Minho. Something about him pulled jisung towards the boy. Even if he was told to back off already. He just couldn't bring himself to do so.


Both seungmin and jisung were the only two left to arrive at the meeting. The atmosphere of the room was dark and serious something jisung had to get used to again. He shivered a bit before sitting down next to Felix and seungmin.

"Thank you, everyone, for joining us this morning..." Chan started the meeting but jisung couldn't help but space out a bit, he was the type to get easily bored when someone would talk for a long time.

"So, I would like you to choose your code name before you join us. As you may or may not know jisungs code name is J.one. Please choose wisely as this will be like your second name considering we in the mafia don't usually call someone by their birth name unless we are close to them"

Jisung could practically hear the pillows calling for his name. Chan noticed smiling at the boy's sleepiness he knew jisung wasn't the type to like meetings so he didn't mind letting the boy doze off since he would summarize the meeting at the end anyway, and that would be the time jisung would pay attention.

On the other hand, someone was mad and didn't even know why. Minho watched as the boy was slowly falling asleep not caring about the meeting. He was ticked off a bit?

He slammed his hands on the table gaining everyone's attention and even waking jisung up.

"I'm going to the restroom" he simply said before leaving the room.

"What was that about?" Jisung asked straightening himself on the chair.

"Who knows Minho can be going through so much and no one would know. I'll check in with him after the meeting. But have y'all chosen a code name?" Chan said switching the attention to the new trainees in the room.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now