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Once jisung finished getting ready he checked himself out in the mirror. He cringed a bit seeing how the outfit emphasized his waist, so he decided to wear a jacket hoping to cover it up.

Jisung didn't necessarily hate his waist intact he loved the way his body was shaped. It was the states he would get that he hated.

After he finish putting on his shoes he headed to the front of the house where Minho was probably waiting for him.

On the way, jisung didn't know how to feel. Did he feel happy? Stressed? And maybe a bit sad? He was happy to finally be able to be around the older but he felt as if the male won't be happy to be around him.

When he got to the front he was surprised to see Chan talking to the older.

"Jisung you're late." Chan said bringing their attention to the boy.

"It's only been 4 minutes hyung-"

"Yet you're late, do you not remember your early training? Always be 3 minutes early or more." The way the words sounded harsh and demanding irritated jisung a bit. How was he supposed to be ready in 3 minutes?

Jisung decided to ignore the older knowing his temper might get the best of him he decided not to push it.

"Alright then have fun training with Minho, he can be a bit tough at first but I'm sure you two will get along just fine. Especially being equally skilled." The oldest said before leaving the two alone in awkward silence.

Minho didn't say anything and started walking. Jisung was surprised but followed after him he wanted to ask him where they were going but he couldn't bring himself to speak to the older.

It had been 30 minutes since the two started walking and jisung was dead. He couldn't breathe properly and was starting to slow them down. Minho noticed but didn't speak up about it. He didn't feel like talking to jisung for some reason, one he couldn't think of.

"Wait! Minho! I can't do it...I can't breathe properly." Jisung finally decided to speak up stopping abruptly making Minho panic a bit.

Jisung felt so out of breath he sat down at a nearby log. That's when he realized they were in the forest. The one that was a part of a hill.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?"

"Sorry, I should've told you before we started but I have asthma..." jisung said feeling a bit embarrassed.

"And you chose to be in the mafia as a job?" Before knowing what he said Minho spoke. He didn't mean any harm he was genuinely curious, but jisung didn't take it that way.

"Excuse me? What did you say?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend but you should've known what you were getting yourself into when you joined..."

"I didn't join by choice. Not everyone had that blessing." Jisung said feeling irritated by Minho now.

"Oh.." was all he could say, he wanted to say more but the words didn't come out of Minhos mouth.

"We can continue, where are we going anyways?" Jisung felt bold now that he was irritated something that would sometimes get him in trouble.

"Nowhere in particular, we're just building your stamina back up, according to Chan you've lost it...so I decided that we should walk this hill every day before we start training" jisung was taken aback the training hadn't even started and he was already close to dying.

"Did you bring your inhaler?" Minho asked the boy who only nodded to him. He reached his hand out wanting to see it. Jisung didn't hesitate and handed it to him.

"Good, if you desperately need it I'll be the one to give it to you. We should get going now, we should've been halfway up this hill by now" he said before starting to walk again leaving a confused jisung behind.

"Hey! Give it back that's mine! What if I need it and you're not there!? Minho!" Jisung kept screaming but the older only ignored him more.

Before they knew it they were halfway up the hill.

"C-can w-we stop now.." to say he was out of breath was an understatement he was practically gasping for air at this point.

"We should head back, it's getting late, maybe tomorrow we can advance more."
Minho said turning back and handing jisung his inhaler.

"Good boy, you didn't need your inhaler today." Minho said simply genuinely congratulating the boy.

But Jisung was sure to need it now. With the air knocked out of his lungs he quickly took a puff of his inhaler feeling his whole face go red.

"Don't fall behind now, who knows what's in these woods." Jisung realized the boy was far ahead so he hurried and ran towards him but jisung being clumsy of course he slipped and fell but to make it worse he fell right on top of Minho.

Before he could think Minhos body reacted instinctively and grabbed onto the younger making sure he wouldn't hurt himself. At first, he was surprised when he grabbed onto his waist. It was slim and the boy had abs, and being in the position they fell didn't help Minhos mind. The boy was practically straddling him, legs clenching to his sides, and having a hand on his chest while rubbing his head with the other made Minho go crazy. He groaned a bit feeling his head hurt a bit.

"Sorry to say but I am not a bottom, please get off of me" he said practically pushing jisung off.


"We should get back now." This time he didn't wait for jisung to catch up.

The two boys made it back both silent and with many thoughts running through their heads.


"Go ahead and eat lunch we'll meet in the training room after" Those were the last words he said to jisung before disappearing.

Before jisung went to eat, he went to his room to shower and change.

While in the shower jisung could only think of one thing.

The way Minho held him by the waist as he was straddling the older unintentionally. He could still feel the pressure of the older hands on his waist and the way his hand was blessed to feel the six-pack the older was hiding under his shirt. What drove jisung insane was the way the older groaned and tilted his head back when they fell the expression Minho had on his face made it extremely hard for jisung.

Speaking of hard he looked down to be met with a hard problem...


Finally some progress between the two 🫣
Ngl this story will be long, we're not even half way through the plot 🫠
Also I promise this is the last short chapter 😭
I'm working on making them long again
Thoughts?? 🫣🫣

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now