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"Felix give me that right now!" He said as he approached him slowly. Felix was shaking he had never held a gun before or even shot someone.

"W-what d-did I-I d-do?" His voice was shaky like his hands. Jisung knew had to act quickly or else the boy would have a complete breakdown. So he approached him taking the gun and giving it to Minho. He grabbed the boy and hugged him.

"Hey, lixie it's ok. He was trying to hurt you and he deserved it ok? It's not your fault. None of this is your fault." He hugged him tightly trying to stop the boy from shaking so much.

Jeongin and seungmin were just as scared and shocked as Felix. Jisung looked up to see them. The extreme guilt he felt was killing him alive. All three of his roommates were crying and shaking. He scooted closer to them and hugged them all.

Minho watched the three roommates he felt bad for them but at the same time, he didn't. If Jisung was in the mafia before he should've known to not get anyone involved. That was one of the first rules they had. He was confused as to why the boy even made friends knowing how dangerous it could be for them. If the boy wasn't so reckless and worried about other people they wouldn't have gotten hurt. But he still felt bad for them they didn't do anything bad to get out involved in the mafias.

He felt bad for jisung too. Anyone could see the guilt on his face. The way he was holding back his tears. It looked like the boy could break at any moment but he didn't. Minho watched as his eyes went dark and emotionless. The shine the younger had in his eyes was gone.

After a few minutes, Jisung let go of his roommates as Chan arrived.

"Hyung. I'm not letting this go." He said as he turned around to face Chan. He was surrounded by men who were all dressed in black. The three roommates stood back as they saw them approaching but Jisung nodded his head assuring them they were okay. Minho on the other hand stood behind Chan. As he listened closely to what they were saying.

"Jisung, sir needs to speak to you. This is regarding your plans."

"Take me to him. They are coming too. I don't care what he has to say about them" he said as he looked back at the three roommates. The three of them looked rough. He looked down his body giving up on him as he released a shaky breath trying hard to not cry in front of them.

"Felix. Seungmin. Jeongin. Please come with me. Due to my reckless actions, I have caused your lives to be in danger. You see, I am part of a mafia but I have been living a normal life due to reasons. I'm sorry. I am truly sorry. I knew to not make friends but..." he looked up to see the three with wide eyes now understanding what was going on. They never expected the bubbly jisung they knew to be a part of a mafia.

"Felix, you were the first person to make me feel less lonely in a world where I was left alone, in a world where I couldn't become friends with anyone. From the day we became friends until now I knew one day I might be the reason for putting your life in danger. I'm sorry that day had to be today. And you two..." he said looking up to look at the three youngers in front of him.

"I still remember how jeongin bumped into me one day immediately apologizing because he thought I was a scary person... just to become my friend the next day because we were seated together in class. And how you seungmin got mad at him for becoming my friend but then learned the true me... or well the fake true me" he said all coming out shaky as he was trying really hard to not cry. He didn't even realize he started to shake until he felt the other three hug him.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now