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"You could've gotten yourself hurt! Or even worse killed!" the boy stayed quiet as he received his scolding.

It was the next day and they were back to training. After their morning session of walking up and down the hill, they were at the gym.

Jisung knew minho was going to scold him. The older had been quiet the whole morning. Too quiet.

"Seriously, Jisung why didn't you follow the instructions and stayed in the van like everyone else!?" This annoyed jisung. He knew what he did and didn't need anyone to scold him for it.

So, he rolled his eyes at the older and looked away ignoring the man. Minho immediately noticed, at first he was only scolding Jisung, he wasn't really angry but now seeing the younger purposely ignore him while he talked did tick him off a bit.

Jisung jumped a little when Minho harshly pulled him by his jaw. Due to jisung sitting down on the bench and Minho standing in front of him, he was pulled forward a bit, making them both lock eyes.

"Listen to what I have to say" Minho said harshly tightening his grip on jisung.

Jisung didn't know what to do. His mind was panicking but his body shaking with craving, and his heart was hammering against his chest.

Even if Minho was now directly in front of his face, Jisung couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. All he could concentrate on was how hot the older looked when mad.

"to your surroundings and-" the words came in from one ear and out the other.

Jisung looked over Minhos features noticing things he didn't pay much attention to before. Up close he was how the older had the perfectly shaped nose, he then looked down at his lips, the perfect shape and color in jisungs opinion.

Then he went a bit further down, noticing the olders chest was visible from the way he was slightly bending over.

Jisungs might have been staring at the older for too long because he didn't notice when the older stopped talking.

Minho was still mad, jisung wasn't listening even if he did have him right in front of him. He watched the way the younger was checking him out.

"Pay attention before I make you work out extra as a punishment" the older said this time lifting Jisung's face by a finger under his chin.

Jisung eyes widened, he was caught.

"What type of workout?" Jisung only processed what he said after he noticed the smirk on Minhos face. 

Jisung let out a sudden gasp when Minho pulled him forward to whisper in his ear. "100 squats that ass has to stay in shape, babe"

The hot breath of the older fanning over jisung sweet spot caused him to shiver in the olders hold.

Jisung was taken aback once his brain processed what Minho said, but it was too late for him to see the olders face since he was already walking away. Jisung was left there speechless.

He watched the older pickup boxing gloves and go over to his punching bag. But before Minho started he looked back at the younger.

"Better get started before it's 200" he said making jisung stumble as he got up and walked over to his training spot, which was located in front of the punching bags.

Jisung finally back in his right state of mind, turned to not face the older, giving Minho the perfect view. But of course, Jisung being annoyed didn't think of that, instead, he focused on getting his 'punishment' done.

On the other hand, Minho was trying hard to concentrate. Eventually giving up, he walked over to the boy. Trying hard not to cringe at him.

"It's painful watching you, your posture is so wrong" Jisung only glared at the man feeling more annoyed.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now