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Jisung quickly rushed over next to him. Felix was hunched over the toilet crying and dry heaving. Jisung watched the male as he was trying to calm him down.

Once Felix was feeling a bit better he stood up and went to wash his face. After that, he stood there looking at himself in the mirror.

Anyone could tell what was going on in his head the only feeling he hated to ever feel towards himself. Disgust.

Jisung stood back as he watched his best friend judge himself in silence. Jisung hated seeing his best friend like that.

With a swift motion, he turned Felix around and hugged him.

"Felix...you are not disgusting. Your freckles are beautiful and your body is more than perfect. Please listen to me."

After a silence, quiet sobs were heard.

"H-he said m-my f-freckles were dirt on my face"

Jisung grip tightened as he held Felix even closer. Jisung understood Felix and all the emotions going through him. He was afraid Felix would go back to their old habits that they had both promised to leave behind.


He shock his head aggressively.

"Felix. Who said that? I won't do anything to them."

Felix hesitated before telling him.

Jisung nodded and didn't move away from his best friend. After a few more minutes jisung left the room to go get Felix some food. He knew Felix wouldn't eat anything heavy so he settled on a simple fruit salad.


At the dining table, everything was awkward. Chan tried to get them to talk to each other but both jeongin and seungmin refused to talk until their friends were back.

Suddenly, everyone's attention was brought to jisung who barged into the room heading straight to Chan. After a few whispers between the two jisung made his way to make Felix fruit salad.

Everyone looked at Chan curious to know what the boy was up to. But Chan only glared at his teammates, especially Hyunjin.

After jisung came back he placed the bowl of fruit in front of Hyunjin.

"Oh? Is this for-"A slap across his face cut him off.

Minho and Changbin quickly looked at Chan waiting for something but he never said or signaled anything. So they knew not to intervene.

Hyunjin on the other hand was surprised by the strength of Jisung's slap.

"What the fu-"

"YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK. YOU WILL ONLY TALK WHEN NEEDED!" jisung screamed as he now had a dagger at Hyunjins throat.

No one knew where the boy pulled it out from but everyone was surprised that jisung had such a strong sense of power raiding off of him as he stood in front of Hyunjin.

"I'm sure the rules were imprinted into your brain before joining Blue Rose? Or do I have to remind you what they are!?"

Hyunjin panicked as he felt the dagger being pushed into his skin. He quickly looked over to Chan who only had a look of disappointment on his face.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now