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"I'm exhausted!" Jisung said as he fell to the ground. Next to him, another thumb was heard he looked over to see Minho also on the floor.

"Yeah, same" Both pathing hard from all the dance they had done.

After hours of learning the dance jisung was able to memorize it, all he had to do now was perfect it.

"Let's call it a day, we still have the other dance to go over" Minho said in a mumbling tone, too tired to care if jisung heard him or not.

"WHAT!? There's another dance!?" Jisung sat up in a hurry turning to look at Minho to make sure the older wasn't messing with it.

Minho turned to look at jisung with a serious face.

Does he not know anything?

"Didn't Chan tell you it was two dances?"

Jisung looked at Minho with a dumbfounded face. Maybe that was the last thing Chan wanted to tell him- before jisung told him it was enough talking from the older.

"Well, I might've walked off before he could..?"

"I swear jisung if you weren't so important you would've been dead by now" Minho said glaring at the boy.

Minho was too tired and now pissed off that jisung didn't know anything about the squad meeting, but he was also too tired to do anything. He would've punished the boy and made him do squats but Minho was just too tired to care.

"What do you mean!?" Jisung panicked did Minho find out who he was? Was Minho going to snitch on him?

"I'm too tired to care right now, follow me I'll give you some clothes so you can shower and then we'll eat dinner"

So they did that, the two were now seated across each other enjoying the food Minho made.

"Wow! How did you learn to cook?" Jisung asked as he stuffed his face with noodles.

"Before my mom passed she would teach me how to cook" Minho smiled remembering the times.

"I'm sorry, she taught you well!" Minho smiled even if he was smiling, anyone could've told there was more behind that smile.

From a young age, Minho learned to cook from his mom who died during his teenage years. He was only fourteen when she passed from a disease that wasn't curable. Having to balance taking care of his mom, school, and learning to live, he fell off.


"Minho, don't cry my boy...I'll always be watching for you...my precious boy, remember that I will always love you.." she said as her eyes closed slowly and the heart monitor started beeping rapidly.

Minho was dragged out of the room, a single tear down his eye. He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it.

Slowly he walked out of the hospital, not having a place in mind of where to go. He was kicked out of his apartment before he received the call of his mother.

So now he walked the streets endlessly, and eventually, he ended up at a park. He sat in front of a water fountain, it was big with an angel kid in the middle.

He stared at it for a minute before he started to shed more tears. Soon he was sobbing into his hands, still not believing he just lost his mother.

Not having a place to stay, someone to go to, food to eat, or even money he cried even harder.

After an hour of crying silently, Minho stood up, he felt hungry so he walked to the convince store. There he walked in bumping into three thugs on the way in.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now