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After practicing for two days, Jisung was sure he'd mess up the dance.

His turn still needed practice, and the second dance was a bit difficult for him.

He also knew he might've regretted coming back to the mafia.

After Minho shared his story of how he joined the mafia, Jisung grew a bit closer to him. He understood Minho, he understood why Minho was cold and hard on him. He also understood how the older had a soft side- sometimes.

But the trauma dumping wasn't what made him regret it. It was the morning after he woke up that made him regret it.


"No! I'm not sleeping on the couch!"

"Well, too bad! It's my bed!"

"Shouldn't you be nice to your guest! And offer me the bed?!"

"No." Minho said as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. Standing across from him was jisung who was glaring at the man, as they both fought for the bed.

"Minho, you're being annoying!!"

"And you're invading my space, sleep on the couch!" He said before lifting the covers and getting into the bed.

Jisung stared at the man in disbelief. Not knowing what to do, Jisung stood there.

"Or~ you can sleep with me" Minho said smiling while looking at jisung with one eye open.

"You- fine." Jisung settled for it. What else was he going to do? He didn't like sleeping anywhere but on a bed.

So, he placed everything he could to separate the two, which was a simple pillow.

Then he got into the bed, turning his back to Minho.

"Don't touch me, look at me, or even breathe my way." Jisung instructed before pulling the blanket over himself and slowly drifting to dreamland.

Minho only chuckled in disbelief but let it slide the two were tired and needed the rest. They were going to practice the whole day tomorrow anyway.


It was two am, and Minho having the same nightmare every time woke up. That's when he turned to look at jisung. The squirrel-like boy had his cheek pressed against the pillow as he curled like a baby.

"You're going to get mad when you find out about the guest room" he said staring at jisung, he admired his soft features. He chuckled to himself, it took everything in him to hold back from squishing the younger cheeks.

That's when he finally gave in, slowly and making sure jisung wouldn't wake up. He took the pillow from between them.

This made jisung stir in his sleep, but unknowingly he moved closer to Minho.

In his sleep, jisung lifted his leg placing it over Minho, pulling the older closer.

Minho was surprised but chuckled, he fixed their positions. Jisung head was now cuddled in the olders chest as Minho placed his hand under the boy ringing it around his head, softly stroking his head. He also lifted his leg higher, bringing them impossibly close.

"You're going to freak out, but I rather take my chances" he said before kissing jisungs forehead and slowly drifting back to sleep.

Which was surprising, since Minho always stayed awake after waking up from his nightmare.


Just as minho said. Jisung was staring wide-eyed at the older, who was still holding him while asleep. He tried everything, wiggling out of his hold, waking up the older, even poking the man, but nothing was working. Minho had a strong hold on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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