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"EXCUSE ME!?" Jisung was the first to react or to say anything. Minho cleared his throat trying to hide the fact that he was blushing.

"I'm sorry, are you two not the pair I'm suppose to be fitting?" The man was extremely confused.

"W-we are the pair! But we are n-not a couple!" The old man only looked back in surprise.

"I'm deeply sorry, usually couples are the ones who I fit for marching suits" Jisung was confused now. Matching suits?

"It's fine, shall we begin?" Minho said gaining their attention.

"Of course, could both of you strip from your clothes-"

"WHAT!?" Jisung interrupted the man, this time he was a blushing mess. Just the thought of undressing in front of Minho was enough to make him stop working, plus he couldn't be caught showing his tattoo.

"Let the man finish." Minho said sounding a bit annoyed. He didn't quite enjoy all the screaming.

"Sorry.." jisung apologized quickly and silently, the last thing he wanted to do was piss Minho off in the morning.

"Right, as I was saying I'll need you to undress and wear the suits. I was sent your measurements but I'd like to make a few adjustments." The old man said as he guided the two to an open area in the living room.

"So, the suits should be back there. And don't worry, there's a wall separating the space into two sides" he said smiling at jisung, which caused the boy to blush.

In front of them stood a paper wall the ones people would use for decor. The two separated and went behind the walls.

The old man noticed how the sun shining from behind made the figure of the two show, so he simply turned around giving the two privacy.

But the old man wasn't the only one to notice. Both Minho and Jisung noticed. Jisung was trying hard not to look over at Minho. Even if it was a shadow, it was enough to make his imagination run wild.

Through the shadow figure, he could see his defined body shape. His chest was perfectly shaped as well as his arms and his well-formed bicep. All the training they did showing.

Jisung shook his head and focused on getting on his suit. One that was very pretty in his opinion.

On the other side, Minho wasn't doing any better than Jisung. He was also staring at the younger figure. From his broad shoulders down to his slim waist. He tried ignoring him but he just couldn't.

While Minho was distracted jisung was on to putting on his suit. It was a lavender-colored suit with flowers and buds spread all around, the pants also had flowering details on them.

Slowly, Jisung took the suit off the mannequin afraid he might ruin it. He first put on the under shit and slowly from there worked his way to the pants. The pants that seemed to not go up.

He blushed feeling embarrassed. He tried pushing through he even tried the shimming method but the pants wouldn't go up.

He didn't know what to do, so he called the old man for help but he had forgotten something important. Something imprinted permanently on his lower back.

His rose tattoo.

"Excuse me, sir, I need some help" he said poking his head out from behind the wall.

The old man turned around noticing the distress and embarrassment jisung was in. This was the whole reason they needed to be fitted, to avoid problems like this last minute.

The old man walked over to help jisung who only backed away trying to hide from embarrassment.

"Yes? What's the problem" he asked politely but already noticing the problem.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now