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It was 2 am and both Minho and jisung found themselves staring at the water fountain in all its beauty.

Jisung was having trouble sleeping, he didn't know why this time but once he heard Minho walk out of his room he joined him.

So now the two sat in silence, admiring the view.

After a few seconds of silence, one of them spoke, almost a whisper but jisung still caught it.

"Why are you up so late?" Minho asked, keeping his eyes on the water fountain.

Jisung looked over, he didn't feel like being sassy or even arguing, instead, he took a moment to answer. He didn't know why he was awake.

"I don't know...I just couldn't sleep" he looked back over to the view in front of him. From the corner, he saw Minho turn to look at him.

Minho stared at him for a few seconds, admiring the younger features in the moonlight. The glow of Jisung's skin making the moment seem magical.

"Are you nervous?" Minho asked looking back at the water fountain.

Jisung took another moment to think. Was he nervous? And if he was what for?

"Why would I be?" He asked more for himself than an answer for Minho.

Minho took a moment letting jisung sort his thoughts out before speaking again.

"Maybe because of the event? It's a pretty big event for our mafia" he suggested, maybe that was, what was on jisungs mind.

But jisung should've been used to it by now. No? Maybe. A moment of silence was placed as jisung recalled the time he used to attend those events with his father.

He would be dragged along, never wanting to go. He hated socializing, especially with his father's mafia, but there were a few people who made the event bearable for him. Chan, Hongjoong, and his partner made it bearable for him.

His partner... someone he hadn't seen since coming back. Someone he wished to see, but was afraid of encountering. Maybe that's why he couldn't sleep.

"Yeah... many people will be there...I'm not a big guy on socializing, so maybe that's it."

Another moment of silence, this time the two didn't have any thoughts, just the thought of how peaceful the night was.

That was until a strong gust of wind blew, flower petals flowing in the air, the mist from the water fountain directed towards the two. The moonlight making it even more beautiful.

Jisung was so distracted by the view, he didn't notice Minho giggling on the side. He only noticed when the older came to crouch in front of him. Out of instinct jisung closed his legs while leaning back a bit.

A sparkle only jisung noticed in his eyes, he blamed the moonlight for it as it hit the olders face just perfectly.

"You should start paying attention to your surroundings" Jisung only blushed at the way the older looked at him, with a small smile that could kill him, and eyes that shined a beautiful brow chocolate color.

Minho stood up, reaching over to tuck a strand of Jisung's hair behind his ear. A red flower petal falling next to him in the process.

"While you were distracted, petals got into your hair" the older said looking down at him. Minho noticed the way the petals landed so perfectly on the boy's hair. While jisung was distracted by the wind, Minho was distracted by the beauty next to him.

He reached over to run his fingers through the boy's hair, petals falling on all sides of jisung. Jisung felt embarrassed, watching all the different petals fall from his hair.

Minho chuckled at the boy's reaction. Jisung doe eyes showing as he watched the petals fall. Once Minho was done, he met eyes with jisung, both blushing a bit, jisungs cheeks turning a pink color while Minhos ears turned a bit red.

Jisung smiled causing Minho to let out a giggle, something jisung wouldn't get tired of. Both giggling at the situation.

"We should head inside, it's getting chilly and I can't have you getting sick" Minho said extending his hand out for jisung to take, without hesitation, jisung took it bringing him to his feet.

"You shouldn't get sick as well, or who else is going to scold me for not following the rules?" Jisung tilted his head, Minho finding it cute. Both forgetting about the little fight they had. He stared into jisungs eyes finding the boy cute. Something he never thought he would ever say.

"Minho?" The older snapped out of his thoughts, he cleared his throat looking away.

"Let's go" he said before leaving a confused jisung behind.

What was that?


It was 7 am when jisung was being rudely awake. He opened his eyes, not thinking twice before he threw a pillow at the person standing at the foot of his bed.

Ten minutes before Minho was knocking at his door. Unexpectedly, the tailor was at the mansion early. Not having a choice Minho woke up, he got ready, he wore a simple black t-shirt and grey sweats, the clothes hugging him just right.

After getting ready he went over to jisungs door, he knocked three times, before knocking again. He waited a minute before knocking once again. This time his patience running a bit low. After another knock and no answer, he opened the door walking in.

"Jisung, wake up" he shook the boy who only turned in his sleep. After a few more tries, he resolved to pulling the boy's legs. But as he started to shake and pull the boy a pillow was thrown at him.

A very sleepy jisung woke up, he threw the pillow before covering himself in the sheets. Minho stared at the boy in disbelief. Thankfully he was able to avoid the pillow.

Watching as the boy snuggled up into the blanket again, he resulted in pulling it off. Now jisung was cold and grumpy.

"Hey!-" he was cut off when he was forcefully but gently pulled to the foot of the bed, his pants and shirt rising a bit. Showing off his slim waist and lower tighs.

"I said wake up! we have a busy day!" jisung didn't notice how close they were until minho spoke. His eyes widened, and his breath was practically blending with his.

"You have five minutes to get ready, sleeping beauty" he said before leaving jisung to die. Or well what jisung would describe as dying.

Was he the only one that noticed? Was he the only one being affected by the closeness? He held onto his chest processing everything.

From the look in the olders eyes to the hold he had on his bare waist. The firm grip with the soothing thumb running over his skin, waves of heat went through his body. He placed his hand on the spot where Minhos hand was previously feeling the heat of skin.

He shivered at unholy thoughts running through his head. Something he started to hate. It wasn't the first time, and it was starting to annoy jisung since he couldn't satisfy himself after.

Something that couldn't leave his mind was the way the older was so gentle with him. All of this making Jisung's cheeks turn red and heat rise to them.

After he was done getting ready, he chose a simple outfit. He wore a simple white t-shirt tucked into his pants with a cropped jacket feeling a bit chilly.

He met minho downstairs, he glared at the male before sticking his tongue out at him. Minho stuck his tongue out back at jisung causing the boy's face to fall.

Their little childish acts were interrupted by an old man clearing his throat.

"You two must be the couple I'm fitting?"

A bit short 🫣
But I promise next chapter will be interesting!
Thoughts? 👀

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now