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The four roommates were now sitting next to Hyunjin watching the screen that was split into three, while the screen above had the surveillance cameras of the venue.

"Lykos, Bin, And MB the person to the left is H.J. He is the leader of the gang in the south of the city." Hyunjin said which made the three males look at the said person.

He was short but he looked powerful with the men around him. "He's not a threat, he's been a long-time friend of our mafia" he added which made jisung smile. He knew the guy, Kim Hongjoong also known as his hyung.

Jisung met Hongjoong on one of his missions with his dad. They were both young at the time and bonded over being the next in line to be leaders. Growing up treated the same they became friends instantly.

It was nice seeing someone familiar.

"Head to the drink bar, you're bound to hear someone talk there" Hyunjin said the trio made their way over but were stopped by an old man.

"Are you one of those new 'wanna-be' gangs?" He asked Chan. Minho rolled his eyes while Changbin gave the man an ugly.

"We are new, but I can assure you we aren't those 'wannabe' gangs" Chan said tilting his head up just a bit and looking down as a way of showing superiority even if they didn't know who he was.

"Chill, we can't really mess with him, he's the leader of the gangs under the red diamonds" the trio heard from their ear-ins causing one of them to scoff.

"Why don't you join us? We're part of The Red Diamonds Mafia, wouldn't you want to join? They'll also teach you how to handle shits like him" the old man said Looking at minho who was the one who scoffed.

"I'm Sorry but we're not looking to join a mafia anytime soon. We wouldn't want to 'look bad' in front of them, as we are still a newly formed group" The man only glared at Chan looking at him suspiciously.

"Right, then what is your gang's name?"

Chan panicked the only thing he didn't think of was a gang name.

"Wings Of Sphinx" Hyunjin said and Chan repeated after him.

Inside the van, the four roommates chuckled at Hyunjin's choice of name.

"Really? Sphinxes had wings?" the man asked not believing the name or the fact that they had wings.

"In Greek mythology-" Chan cut himself off, who was he to explain anything to this man?

"If you'll excuse me" Chan said walking past the man, Minho and Changbin following behind.

"What are you doing?!"

"Sam, I'm not here to make friends, we need to focus on this mission" He whispered just enough were the two next to him only heard him.

"Deserved, he stinkers like old"

"He seemed as if he was going to turn into dust if you blew at him"

Both Minho and Changbin said making everyone but hyunjin laugh at their jokes.

"Enough let's focus, MB and Bin scatter and see if hear anything, Sam connect the trainees to their trainers, they'll only listen to the way each of us handles a conversation, If any of you hear something suspicious then let hyunjin know and he'll let us know" once chan finished talking everyone was connected to their trainers in separate laptops.

Jeongin with Chan, Seungmin with Changbin, and Jisung with Minho, while Felix helped Hyunjin watch the cameras Of the whole venue. Still being a bit included in the mission.

Everyone was staring at the screen while listening to their partner.

"This sucks...I rather be at home watching anime... wouldn't you agree?" Minho spoke jisung was confused. Who was he speaking to?

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now