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It had been a week since jisung and minho trained together and went to the water fountain at night. After that night jisung would go to the water fountain and sometimes find Minho there. They became friends on the fourth day of their training, the day they both found out they had something in common.

They both had a love for daggers. This was revealed when minho asked jisung what weapon he liked using. Jisung loved daggers because of his mother, she had a beautiful red dagger that had a rose at the end on the handle. He grew up watching his mom use it for various reasons, but the main reason was to peel fruit for jisung. So he grew to love the weapon because of that.

Minho loved daggers because of how small and useful a dagger can be when used in close combat. He also liked how they came in different shapes and sizes there were many to choose from.

And now here they were fighting with daggers. Minho had jisung in a tight spot. Jisung had his dagger right above Minhos thigh while Minhos dagger was right in front of jisung, both holding onto each other's dagger trying to win. Only in the end when jisung noticed the dagger cutting his skin did he give up letting Minho win.

"That was better than yesterday, we actually went on for a good while, I haven't had such a challenging fight in a while," Minho said staring at jisung in awe, but it was true jisung was getting back to fighting and his skills were coming back.

"Thank you, I guess I'm getting back into shape again...it has been a while since I trained"

"Well that's good maybe Chan will let you in on the mission tomorrow" The older seemed excited for jisung, and he was, he liked how Jisung's fighting skills were just as advanced as his.


"Jisung, Minho Chan said meeting in 5mins, we'll be going over the mission for tomorrow," Changbin said poking his head inside the gym.

"Ok!" Jisung said starting to pack his things.


"Thank you, everyone, First I would like to start by saying great progress to our trainees. I've been around and have watched just how much you have learned in a short time but that doesn't mean I'm letting you participate in this upcoming mission. You are only to be observing from the sidelines." Chan said already starting to lose Jisung attention.

The boy tried hard not to get distracted but he felt weird as if someone was watching him. He looked around the room seeing no one looking at him not even the guards Chan had standing at the doors were looking at him. This made him feel weird and started moving in his seat trying to ignore the feeling and pay attention to Chan.

"So, we're going to be going to a small gathering for gang leaders, we should be able to blend in well. I will be acting as the leader while Minho and Changbin will be my bodyguards. Our mission is to find out who is spreading misinformation about our mafia. As we've noticed more and more gangs have been turning against us, our main suspects are the red diamonds, Hyunjin you will stay in the van that will be parked down the road, all of you" he said pointing at the roommates

"Will be with him, Jisung you will be driving us there and back, if anything were to happen you will be our getaway car, obviously. We will all have contact with each other through in-ears. Only my main three will have the ability to talk, that way we don't get distracted. Any questions?" He asked the group.

"Is Felix able to help me out?"

"If it's nothing that's going to interfere with our mission then yes, hyunjin"

"Any other question?"

"What if you need backup?" jisung asked curious to see if they would let him join.

"As much I would like for you to join us in this mission, your trainer suggested you stay on the sidelines, even if we need backup up you cannot join us" Instantly jisung glared at Minho, because of him he wasn't allowed to join them, even if jisung himself felt ready.

"If that is everything you all may be excused now" Everyone got up and left the room except jisung who stayed there waiting for Minho to move. Finally, after everyone else left Minho decided to leave. Jisung glared at the boy following after him.

Silently with jisung following behind they made it to Minhos room. Just as Minho was about to close the door of his room jisung stopped him by putting his foot in the door.

"We need to talk"

"About what, jisung?"

"Why didn't you tell Chan to let me join the mission?"

"Jisung, you aren't ready to go on missions yet."

"Yes, I am!" The younger protested

"You are not"

"Yes. I. Am. You even said that yourself! You said that maybe Chan would let me join tomorrow's mission!"

"Well, that was before today. Obviously I would've told him to let you in but it's too late now"

Jisung didn't know what to do. He wasn't mad at minho. He was just disappointed, he believed he was ready, and minho even believed in him.

"Right...maybe you're right I'm not ready..I'll go now," jisung said sounding sad and this made Minho feel bad.

He felt conflicted about what to do. He didn't know why but he felt the need to fix the situation and make jisung happy. He didn't like seeing the younger sad. But he also didn't like giving jisung everything he wanted. Jisung had just today bettered himself in his fighting and the mission was tomorrow. It was just too soon for him to let jisung join them, the younger could get hurt and Minho would blame himself for it.

He let out a frustrated groan and went to his room. Maybe showering and sleeping would help him.

Short chapter since the next will be long
Sorry 😩
Thoughts? 👀

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now