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"Of course dear, when do you ever have time for your family." she said giving the man a well-known smile.

Everything in the room went silent. Both Ryujin and Jisung looked at their mother and father back and forth waiting for someone to say something.

"I-I I'm sorry my dear, I am really trying to become a better person " he said as he bowed his head at his wife.

"If you really are trying to become a better person why don't you try greeting your child first next time" she said as she looked back at jisung smiling then glaring back at her husband.

"I-I, Jisung I am sorry. I am truly happy to see you're doing wel-"

"See? Not so hard right? Right, Jiji?"

"Yes Mom, but cut him some slack he is supposed to be a terrifying leader." Jisung said chuckling at his mother's words.

His dad was known for being a very heartless person but when it came to his family he would try to be as kind as he could. In the beginning, his father wouldn't even acknowledge jisung as his son. until one day His mom had enough of the way he would treat his son and decided to talk it out with her husband.


The boy kept running blocking out his father's words. He didn't want to go back in there. He didn't want another punch on him. He ran to the only place he ever felt safe his mother's garden. His vision was blurry because of the tears in his eyes but he knew the way too well to the point he didn't need to see.

He ran until he was met with a very familiar bench it was deep inside the garden away from everybody. He sat on the bench as he watched the small water fountain in front of him and how the water would slash onto the surrounding bushes that had now bloomed into beautiful flowers.

Jisung enjoyed being there alone. He loved the sound of the water splashing and how the flowers would release a floral smell that he could never get tired of. After a few seconds, he was able to calm down and stopped crying.

He sat there looking at the water fountain spacing out he started to think about earlier. Many thoughts were running through his head.

"Why would he do this to me?"
"Am I not good enough?"
"What did I do wrong?"
"He's probably right"
"This is making me tired"
"He is right I'm not enough"
"I don't deserve to be called his son"
"I should run away and never come back"
"They don't need me I am worthless"

He felt worthless he knew who his dad was but didn't know what he was to become but he didn't like how his father would "train" him. Every day if it wasn't how to handle a gun he would be getting punches all over his body. His dad was heartless towards him he didn't care if jisung was his son. In his eyes, jisung was the next leader so he had to train him to not be weak.

He was about to start crying again but he heard footsteps approaching. He quickly blinked the tears away as he saw the only person who knew about this spot approach him.

"Oh my, baby what happened?" And with those few words said he broke down in front of his mother. Jisung would always try to seem strong in front of his mother but this time he couldn't hold back anymore.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now