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"Spill." Felix demanded.

The three best friends were all seated in a circle staring at jisung. After a very exaggerated text from Felix, the group found themselves inside a meeting room on the first floor.

"Don't you think we'll get in trouble?"

"This is more important than training jeongin!"

"Now. YOU." he screamed pointing at jisung in a very dramatic way.

"Felix, he is right in front of us. Stop. Screaming!"

"Sorry, but! I saw this one all close up to minho-"

"YOU SAW ALL THAT!?" this time jisung screamed making seungmin facepalm. Honestly, what did he expect? The two together will always be chaotic.

"Yes. I. Did. What happened to minho being annoying? I thought you didn't like him?"

"Well-" he was interrupted by a knock, a very loud knock. The group turned to the door to see Chan standing at the door.

"What is all of this? Why aren't any of you training?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing! We were just leaving!" jisung answered standing up in a panic. One thing he knew about Chan is that the man didn't like when someone would abandon their training for unimportant things.


"Felix, we'll talk about this another time" jisung said in a stern voice hoping the boy would catch the message.

Which he did. Felix nodded understanding what jisung meant. The four stood up walking out of the room, Chan watching as the four shamely walked out.

"Jeongin, please go warm up, I'll be there in a bit. Jisung stay back I need to speak to you" The three left leaving a very scared jisung behind.


"Jisung, I am upset but right now that doesn't matter... I'm here to talk about Saturday's mission.."

The silence was loud and Jisung knew why. Saturday wasn't just a regular event for him.

"Saturday...your father chose for you to attend because he wants it to be known that you're back...at least to those who've known you before, meaning you'll have to meet him again.."

Jisung listened carefully and knew who Chan was talking about. His ex-partner..someone who brought both happiness and disaster to his life. Even if he did cause jisung trouble, he wouldn't change the person for anyone else.

"Chan, I guess he was going to be there...honestly, I might not be ready to face him but I think it's time for me to see him again..after everything he was there for me the most other than you.." he said spacing out at the end remembering the days he spent with his ex-partner.

"Yeah, well knowing him you expect the unexpected from him but I'm glad you're willing to see him again, many other people from the past would be there"

"Yeah...the reunion of the year, hopefully, no one had a grudge against me after many years"

"Yeah, well someone might and we both know how that would go"

"Yeah, I'll wear a bulletproof vest just in case.." there was a moment of silence before the two busted out laughing. Both remembering jisungs old partner personality.

"Anyways you also have to dance at the squad meeting due to short notice you have to dance with Minho-"

"WHAT!? it's not a ball or something of the sort so why do I have to dance!?" Chan stared back at the boy in disbelief.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now