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Once jisung was done with his steamy shower he changed into another set of training clothes. This time he didn't care much about his waist being emphasized.

He headed downstairs to the kitchen to grab something light for lunch since his training was about to officially begin after, and he didn't want to feel heavy.

As he was making himself a sandwich he felt the presence of someone behind him. He quickly turned around pointing the butter knife at...Felix.

"I don't think a butter knife could do much damage," the blonde said laughing at his friend

"Anything can be a weapon! And this butter knife could surely do some damage!"

"Whatever, what are you making?" The blonde approached looking at the plain sandwich-

"You're not seriously going to eat that?...it's so plain..." the blonde said judging the sandwich

"Hey! You know I can't cook!" Jisung tried to defend himself. He would always depend on Felix for his meals...it was embarrassing but the boy did not know how to cook.

"Jisung..you don't cook a sandwich...unless it's a panini, or a grilled cheese...it a controversial topic but what you're trying to make is a simple ham and cheese but you still ended up with something else" Felix was now sure to continue making the boys meal.

"Can you help me?" He tried his best to give puppy eyes to the blonde whose eyes softened and cooed at him.

"Of course Hannie" the blonde patted his head starting to make the boy his sandwich.

After he was done jisung was confused. There were three sandwiches on the plate.

"I only wanted one..?" Jisung asked curious.

"Oh, they're for me! I have to get back now! Being a hacker is a bit of hard work." Felix said rushing off. Jisung shrugged who was he to judge someone for eating two sandwiches?

While jisung was taking the last bite of his sandwich he smiled, cheeks full and satisfied at the feeling of food in his tummy.

"Wow, someone let a squirrel inside!"

Jisung panicked first before looking at the doorway of the kitchen. There stood Minho and Changbin. Changbin walked closer to jisung laughing at the boys' reaction.

"I meant you. You look like a squirrel while eating you're so cute~" Changbin said emphasizing the last bit. Jisung blushed at the compliment.

A loud noise was heard interrupting the pair. It was Minho who slammed the fridge door closed.

"Jisung, your training begins in two minutes. I suggest you stop flirting and head to the gym of the house." He said before leaving.

"Oops, someone made the bunny mad" Changbin said chuckling


"Yeah? Don't you know? Did anyone ever tell you what MB stands for?" Jisung only shook his head feeling dumb. Was he supposed to know?

"That's funny, anyways Minhos code name is Mad Bunny or as he likes to say MB" jisung giggled at that. It made sense, Minho had beautiful bunny teeth. That was something jisung first noticed about the older.

"You should get going before he becomes furious bunny" Changbin said walking away from the younger laughing at his joke.

Jisung chuckled before checking the time. He only had a minute to get to the gym, and it was on the other side of the mansion.

"Shit..." he said before running off to the gym.


Minho was busy warming up, punching his personal punching bag— no it wasn't a person it was an actual punching bag. As much as he wished for it Chan didn't allow that.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now