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Jisung was quick to lift the olders head onto his lap, he reached over to check the male's heart pulse but stopped.

"Did you actually believe they got me? Damn, Im your trainer I would've hoped you had more faith in me" the boy said sitting up, grabbing his guns that were on the floor, and walked away. The olders tone seemed harsh to jisung, was he mad at him? Should he not come to help them?

"Don't get left behind!" the scream interrupted jisung from his thoughts and quickly got up collecting his guns and running towards minho.

"How do you know they're down this way?"

"More men came from this way meaning whoever took boss is down this way"

Jisung nodded even though he was behind the elder. He still felt bad for being where he was, he knew better and should've stayed in the van, but something was telling him to join and help the others.

As the two kept walking they came to a big open area. With big floor windows on one side and a door on the other. The two being cautious turned back to back again slowly turning to check out the area. Nothing seemed off but jisung felt eyes on him.

Just as they were approaching the middle of the room a ninja star was thrown towards Minho. Quickly the older pulled jisung down with him in order for the both to avoid the weapon.

Minho was quick to shoot towards the curtains once he did a man slid down the window falling to the side to reveal his position. Minho didn't hesitate to shoot the other curtains that were on the windows, one by one three other men fell, the glass shattering from stray bullets.

Jisung still shocked by the way Minho dragged him down, got up from the floor amazed by the older.

"How did you know they were there?"

"Jisung, have you not been paying attention during training? Why are you even here? Why did you disobey the rules, he told you to not join this mission" The older was frustrated, and jisung was starting to feel guilty.

The younger stayed silent as Minho walked off without him again. Jisung decided to stay a bit behind this time. Maybe by staying behind, he wouldn't be such a burden for the older.

After a minute or two jisung decided to go find Minho. Just as jisung was entering another small hallway, he heard gunshots. He hurried worrying something happened to the older. But just as he was going to walk into the room with the gunshots a hand was put in front of his mouth as he was slammed back against something hard.

"Those are gangs fighting, we don't need their attention, let's go this way" it's was Minho. Jisung was being pressed up against his chest.

Slowly Minho brought the both of them out of the middle of the doorway and into another hallway. This time the hallway only had three doors.

"How do you they came this way?"

Without speaking Minho lifted his hand showing jisung an ear-in with a C on them.

"He left this for us here, they went this way, we should hurry before they take him" he let go of the younger to reload his gun, getting ready.

"Re-load and be ready, this might be it behind one of these doors, from what it seems it looks to be that one" he pointed to the one that was left slightly open.

Jisung did as he was told, he looked at the door it seemed to lead into a parking garage. Once he was finished re-loading Minho motioned him to follow behind.

They pushed the door open nothing but regular cars were parked in place. It looked like a normal parking garage. No one would think anything gang would be hiding in it.

Just then they heard screaming coming from the back of the garage. Quickly but quietly the two rushed over staying out of view.  They arrived at the noise staying a few cars down just to see their leader being pushed into a black van, but they struggled since Chan didn't seem to move. Resulting in them screaming.

A few feet away Chan's guns were on the floor, clearly thrown away from him.

"You fucking bitch get in!"

"Stop screaming idiot! What if someone hears us!"

"Then you stop screaming at me!"

Minho noticed the small dispute quickly taking note of how many men there were. Seven in total, he quickly signals jisung his plan. They were going to surround them from both sides.

Quickly, jisung made his way over waiting for Minhos signal. Once he got it he didn't hesitate, the first to go down on his side were the driver and the person in the passenger seat.

On minho side, he took care of the people holding Chan. On the way over he picked up one of Chan's guns handing them to his leader.

Chan quickly killed off the ones inside the van. Without a struggle, the three manage to defeat the seven in the van.

"We need to get out of here, who knows how many more there could be" Chan ordered leading the way out of the parking garage.
Minho and jisung follow behind.

As the three were making out the garage another van pulled up right in front of them. Minho and jisung came from behind Chan blocking their leader.

"Lykos head to the van, we'll keep them distracted"

"In no way, am I leaving you two here"

"Ly-" before minho could finish his sentence the door of the van opened. Without hesitation, both jisung and minho fired. The three spread out to find cover since they were in direct fire. Jisung went to hide in a bush nearby he reloaded his gun before turning around and shooting at the last few men left.

What no one noticed was the man who sneaked behind minho. He was hiding behind a small wall but due to the height, he was crouching. Minho didn't notice until the last minute, he was too caught up with finishing off the men.

Just as the guy was going to jump on minho, he was shot. He looked around to see Chan and Jisung just as surprised as him. Then it clicked he looked up. On the third floor of the parking garage stood changbin. With his sniper pointing down at the man.

Changbin smiled down at him giving him a thumbs up. Minho smirked at him finding the whole situation amussing.

Jisung was shocked by everything, he was amazed by the teamwork. Just then he heard a noise coming from the van in front of them. One person was left remaining, he quickly walked up shooting them with his handgun.

The person fell across the front seat causing their shirt to lift a bit from the back. That's when he saw it, a tattoo, a teardrop gem shaded in red. Jisung eyes widened in shock, he didn't think they'd run into them at this event.

"Let's get out of here, changbin will meet us at the van" Chan placed a hand on his shoulder bringing the boy back from his shocked state.

Jisung was about to speak but Chan shook his head slightly signaling over to minho. Meaning not to talk about it in front of the male. Jisung understood and the three proceeded to walk towards the van.

On the way, the boys didn't encounter any more enemies. Safely everyone made it back to the van. The three youngers greeted them and congratulated them on making it back safely and with jisung.

Sorry for not updating
I've been sick 😫 🤧
And I've been trying to stay away
from my phone and trying to get better
Thoughts? 👀

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now