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It was now the next day, their missions didn't start until later that day. So, everyone was either panicking, relaxing, or training.

Jisung was in the training room. It was similar to the gym but it had a shooting range attached to it and it also had dummies to practice with.

There he was practicing his aiming, protective glasses and earmuffs on. Not wanting to lose his focus he kept shooting and shooting. His nice he was out of ammo he took the earmuffs off.

"Wow, you can really shoot" he heard from behind. He turned to see Changbin standing behind him.

"Thank you"

"Your dad taught you well" jisung looked up at Changbin surprised but then remembered Changbin knew who jisung was.

"Right, how do you know about that?"

"Before you left, I met Chan he told me everything about you, not that it was bad things. He just didn't have anyone else to talk to back then, plus I'm the son of the trainer you used to work with" This surprised jisung he didn't know Changbin was his trainer's son.

"Wait! I remember now! You came once to my practice! Omg! You're the cute kid that kept staring at me!" Jisung said out loud he was excited now that he recognized who Changbin was.

"I wouldn't say I was cute as a kid.." he rubbed the back of his head feeling embarrassed. Changbin always had a problem with his self-esteem.

"What!? You were-" The sound of shots interrupted jisung. Both boys jumped at the sound. That's when they realized there was someone in the booth next to them.

Minho was there shooting away, he tried ignoring his thoughts but even with the earmuffs on and concentration on his target he still couldn't ignore his thoughts.

'So annoying? ....annoying' he thought. Those were the only words circling his head. He was annoyed by someone, who? He was annoyed at jisung again... Even after trying to ignore the way the younger still annoyed him he tried being friends with jisung. But the younger was just too annoying.

The way jisung would talk to his friends annoyed minho, the way the younger would make unnecessary facial expressions annoyed him, the way the younger would act 'childish' annoyed him, and the way jisung would call people 'cute' or 'pretty' annoyed him.

Throughout the week minho tried to ignore his thoughts and feelings, but seeing jisung smiling with Changbin and making 'unnecessary' comments annoyed him.

After he shot his round of bullets he took his earmuffs off and started loading the gun up again.

"Jeez, hyung give us a warning next time" Again minho was annoyed but he didn't let the other know, he couldn't let jisung know how he truly felt, he didn't want to hurt jisung with his feelings.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to practice for later, in in case something happens" minho responded sounding casual.

"In case something happens?" jisung asked but instead he sounded panicked.

"Don't worry, jisung. I'm sure nothing will happen" Changbin said approaching the boy and placing a hand on Jisung's shoulder.

"I'm shooting again." minho said turning around, he didn't finish reloading his gun all the way he just wanted something to distract him from the 'unnecessary' hand placement of Changbin. He felt annoyed again, at both of them.

Jisung quickly put his earmuffs up. He felt Changbin tap his shoulder looking back he saw him wave while walking out of the room. Jisung waved back focusing back on minho. He was impressed by Minho's aim. The older was just as good as him maybe even better.

𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎'𝑠 𝑆𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔Where stories live. Discover now