Chapter 38

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Chapter 38 Brainwashing is Brainwashing I Use Zhao Jin to deal with Su Qiu...

    Li Yin never expected that Xie Fei could say such a thing, and even suspected that the person talking to her was not Xie Fei at all, but someone else. Perhaps it was the instigator of the algae crystal incident, Xie Fei's helper.

    With Xie Fei's personality, how could he say this? Obviously unreasonable!

    Li Yin sensed that something was wrong, and immediately cut off contact. He planned to go directly to her dormitory building when Xie Fei returned to the game tomorrow, and talk to her face to face, so as to observe her changes more intuitively.

    That night Li Yin tossed and turned sleeplessly, thinking of many things.

    Waking up from a dream in the middle of the night, she got up and sat in the dark, carefully sorting out the things about this adopted daughter in the past ten years. She never seemed to like Xie Fei.

    She also couldn't say why she didn't like Xie Fei, maybe her subconscious sensed from the very beginning that Xie Fei was not her own daughter, and felt that Xie Fei was not like her.

    Xie Fei was too weak in dealing with people and things, and even used the money given to her by her family to help the victims.

    Seeing his wife sitting silently in the dark, Xie Kun knew that she was worried about Xie Fei's affairs, so he got up and walked towards her, put a dress on her, put his arms around her shoulders and comforted him:

    "You don't have to worry about it ." Xie Fei was cornered, and when he saw her, he really had a good chat. If she is willing to come back and get along with Qiuqiu in peace, the past will be wiped out."     Li Yin glared at her husband, and lowered her voice: "It's over. So far, how can it be written off? Qiuqiu is like me in other things, but in the matter of Xie Fei, I can't figure it out. The two of them are destined to be competitors from the beginning and cannot coexist. If it is you , Choose your own daughter or adopted daughter? People are selfish, and I believe you will choose a blood relationship. Besides, Qiuqiu is so good, she is better than Xie Fei.”     People are selfish, of course they choose their own blood.

    Xie Kun was silent for a moment, hugged his wife tightly, and said, "It's all my fault. When you were young, you were always afraid of having a child. It was I who wanted a child to make up for the shortcomings in life. For me, you insisted I gave birth to a daughter on the scalp. If I go with you, maybe we will have a better life today. You will not be kidnapped and exiled to other planets, and our own daughter will not be exiled for many years."

    Li Yin glanced at him, Sighing: "Things have happened, what's the use of regretting? Husband, in fact, I can give my life for you, not to mention having a child. Why don't you blame yourself for our relationship for so many years. In short, I will Go find Xie Fei, stabilize her first, and find out from her by the way. No matter what, Xie Fei can't live, otherwise, it will definitely become Qiuqiu's biggest obstacle in the future."

    Xie Kun always felt that his wife wanted to kill Xie Fei . Crazy.

    He was usually very busy and rarely had contact with Su Qiu, his own daughter. Naturally, he couldn't understand why his wife cared about Su Qiu so much.

    This is probably the deep love between mother and daughter?

    In the Lanhaixing military court, Zhao Jin was sentenced.

    Due to the influence of the Zhao family in Blue Sea Star, Lan Shuo and others did not have any real life safety issues. In the end, the military court convicted Zhao Jin of the crime, removed his military registration, and even banned him from re-enlisting for the rest of his life. He was also fined 50 million yuan. Compensation for Lan Shuo and other injured soldiers was 10 million yuan, and compensation for Xie Fei was 5 million yuan.

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