chapter 1 A New Waiter?

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Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mickey all headed to Huesos restaurant after dealing with a nasty battle all four being exhausted from the slow burn battle. They all where hungry and Leo suggested they celebrated with a good meal at their favorite mutant friendly restaurant.

"Yoooo! Hueso!!!" Leo grinned walking up to Hueso his head held high even if he had blood covering his arm from a sword wound.

"What do you want?" Hueso sighed looking up at the turtle.

"Pizza of course!" Leonardo grinned leaning against the front counter his arm supporting himself up.

"Fine." Hueso sighed grabbing four menus before walking off the brothers following close behind him. "We have a new employee as we've been short staffed, being a waiter isn't his best skill. So be patient. Exspecually you! Blue!"

"No problema, Amigo!" Leon grinned dismissing Huesos remark with a little wave of his hand. His brothers had already sat down leaving him is isle seat next to his 'twin'.

"Oui, señor sálvanos a todos." Hueso sighed before walking off after placing the menus down on the table. Within five minutes or so a white rabbit dressed in the restaurants uniform pulled out a pad as he stood at their table a soft smile on his muzzle.

"Hello my name is Yuichi Usagi, but please call me Usagi. I will be serving you tonight! Are we ready?" The Rabbit smiled looking at the brothers waiting for a awnser.

"Yeah can I get a large pepperoni pizza to share and a side of you?" Leonardo managed to slide in without thinking as he stared up at the rabbit who had tied up ears. The rabbit looked taken back before a small playful smile formed on his white muzzle.

"Leo! Not the time!" Raph barked pinching his nose before taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry for my brother-" Raph apologized before finishing the order.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! How'd I do that? Leo thought to himself frantically as he crossed his arms leaning back against the seat trying to hide his red embarrassed face.

"Smooth one Leo, I honestly didn't think you had the power to do that without chocking up." Mickey grinned at Leonardo once the waiter left with their order.

"Shut up Mikey!" Leo snapped back.

"That was a interesting way to come out." Raph nodded quitely.

"What!?" Leo shouted unintentionally. "I-I- IM NOT GAY!" Leo rushed turning as red as his markings as he became impossibly more embarrassed. "Did you see the boobs on that chick!" Leo tried. He knew it was a dude but he didn't want Raph to know he was fruity. He knew Donnie and Mickey knew but not Raph.

"Nope that was definitely a dude." Donnie joined in.

"Yeah definitely a dude, Leo we already know you're gay relax." Mickey snickered leaning back.

"I didn't." Raph pointed out.

"Just stop okay!" Leo huffed covering his face with his hands his heart pounding.

"Oh come on Raph how did you not know!?" Donnie asked a grin on his face.

"I just thought he was a little flamboyant that's all!" Raph defend himself.

Leo abruptly stood up before heading off towards the bathroom not saying another word. Raphael was the over protective brother. No matter what Leon did now Raph would be up his ass on every little detail. And worse he might tell Pops.

Splinter was in no way homophobic however Leo was afraid that if Splinter found out Leo liked dick that he'd see Leo as a weak and not worthy leader. Leo stormed into the boys public bathroom staring himself in the mirror as he gripped the sides of the sink out of anger and fear.

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