chapter 6 The Empty Grudge

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"Are you a samurai?" Gen asked Leo genuinely curious.

"What? No." Leo laughed as if it was the stupidest thing he had ever heard. "I-Im a ninja, my whole family are ninjas." Leo told Gen calming his laughter.

"Wow. How is Usagi dealing with that?" Gen seethed slightly taking Leo aback.

"Wh-what?" Leo stammered confused.

"We're we are from no one likes ninjas. You all deserve to go to hell. Not even Usagi thinks otherwise." Gen seethed with poison quickly flipping the mood.

"What do you mean?" Leo laughed weakly starting to sweat in the thick tension.

The rhinos eyes locked with Leos making Leo lean back Abit. "You know, Not always good guys, not always bad guys, Ninjas somewhat of a mercenary group carrying out assassinations and espionage for the highest bidder." The rhino forced a smile sending a chill through Leo.

"No-no. We-we don't do that." Leo stuttered tears forming around the rim of his eyes.

"Ha! Funny." The rhino snorted.

Leo swallowed hard before stumbling out of his chair. He felt disy and sick. Leo dashed to his room unexpectedly earning multiple stares his way. How could anyone think that lowly of Ninjas! They where the good guys! At least the turtles where!

The turtles didn't kill on purpose! They trapped the bad and got rid of them! Not for any money! The rhino was wrong! Leo had begun a panic attack as his mind raced at the thought of Usagi hating him. Maybe Usagi also thought he was a samurai hence the friendliness.

"Knock knock." Usagi's voice called into the room. Leo looked up at Usagi water blurring his vision slightly.

"What do you want?" Leo spat unintentionally. "I-Im sorry." Leo apologized imadetly a tear escaping.

"Hey! Hey what's wrong?" Usagi asked Leo sitting down next to Leo.

"Do you really hate ninjas?" Leo stammered wiping his face dry.

"Not all of them..." Usagi trailed off.

"But most of them?" Leo spat angrily.

"Leo.. you aren't that kind of a ninja. You're one of the good guys." Usagi tired to reassure Leo.

"Yeah. Imparaintly that's not what your friend thinks." Leo seethed gripping onto his own biceps with anger as he pulled in his legs closer to his chest.

"Gen?" Usagi asked. "No Gen is just tough headed sometimes. He's had a lot of bad luck with ninjas. That's all."

"He told me all of us should go to hell. He insulted my family and ancestors!" Leo hissed more tears escaping.


"Just get out." Leo told the rabbit hiding his face.

"Leo come on I don't hate you or your family." Usagi tried again.

"Get out! Please! Please just leave..." Leo cried beginning to shake. He hadn't cried since the Kraang attack. He needed to stay strong for his brothers. He couldn't just let something little like this ruin that for him.

Usagi nodded and patted Leo on the shoulder before obeying his orders. Leo was left alone. Leo took a deep breath trying to clean himself up. Once he was positive he was able to make a appearance again he walked out of his room and headed straight for the training arena his katanas in hand.

Leo shot the Rhino a nasty death glare before slamming the door of the training arena and turning on the radio turning it on full blast. The first song that came on was Bloody Marry by Lady Gaga one of Raphs favorite songs at the time.

Leo cleared the arena before grabbing two of Donnie's training bots and starting them up, twirling his swords in hand as he waited for the attacks. Once the first bot got moving Leo spun his swords into place taking his stance. The bot was the first to deliver a blow. Leo easily blocked it with his sword before kicking the robot back. The other robot was a bit faster delivering attack after attack.

With a few swings of his swords and tons of  bouncing around he knocked the first bot down making it shut down automatically. Leo spun around delivering a heavy kick to the robots torso before he kicked it backwards, it to shutting down.

"That was... Amazing." Usagi's voice called over the music. Leo turned to see the rabbit standing awkwardly in the doorway. "Listen I know you don't want to see me right now but I figured you'd like to know that we're heading out. We're going to my place for the rest of the night." Usagi informed Leo.

"So... Goodbye see you tomorrow at work.."

Usagi hurried out of the room sensing Leo's mental darts towards him.

"Don where did you say it was?" Leo asked his brother glancing around over the edge of the building.

"Should be right here." Donnie told him while pointing at a small shed like building at the base of the apartments.

"Alright let's move." Leo ordered his team waving them on. The brothers landed softly and quitely not even a mouse aware of their presence.

The turtles snuck up to the shack looking inside carefully. Sure enough there where three Yokai in the shed huddled around something.. or someone. Leo waved on once again and the Brothers moved out of the way for Raph. Raph smashed open the door scaring the Yokai. The Yokai began running out of the shed. Donnie, Mickey, and Leo chased the three taking them down instantly.

The brothers brought their people together, Donnie quickly tying them up.

"Hey guys you might want to see this..." Raoh was heard.

Leo left his brothers as they finished up and walked up to Raphs side.

"What the hell?" Leo muttered to himself.

There was a cat Yokai tied up. But worse it was a kid. Leo quickly untied her and helped her. She was shaking and crying her claws instantly digging into Leo's shoulders as he held her comforting the kitten.

"Raoh take her to the lair I'll deal with everything else here." Leo ordered his older brother. "Bring Mickey with you as well."

Raoh hesatently nodded before taking the kitten and heading to Mickey. The two went off disappearing instantly. Leo helped Donnie as Donnie examined the Yokai gathering all their information.

"Are you guys just everywhere?" A muffled voice spoke. Leo spun around swords draw to see the blue samurai.

"It is our city." Leo snapped back.

"Alright, alright." Usagi the masked Samurai said backing up with his hands up.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Leo asked letting Donnie finish up.

"Saw there was some commotion going on. I had to check it out." The samurai shrugged.

"Well it's delt with so you can go back to where ever you came from." Leo barked at the samurai.

"Fair enough." The samurai agreed. "see you around?"

"Oh sure! Can't wait!" Leo grinned his voice completely laced with sarcasm. The samurai chuckled before disappearing onto the buildings rooftops.

"What's your beef with that guy?" Donnie asked standing up. Donnie knew who it was. In fact he knew since the first day. He had accsadently ran scans on the samurai identifying him instantly. However Donnie decided to stay quiet about it. It was quite humorous to watch Leo becker with his masked crush.

"Everything." Leo replied plainly, "What the info on these guys?"

"They're wanted in the hidden city so we can take them there and get them locked up just like that." Donnie told Leo nodding at the struggling group.



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